Any advice for better keyword rankings??

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  • malcolm1
    First Sergeant

    • Mar 2006
    • 70

    Re: Any advice for better keyword rankings??

    alrighty .... i have all my pages now optimized and am ranking in all the pages and catagories as very good all are above 90% and in green. pet121 i did as you said and checked all my words to make sure that they were spelt correctly. much to my delight this actually increased my standings in by about 10% and also changed my heading and title my title is now at 100% after taking out my completly on my front page thankyou for that tip! i also resized all pages and should now be seen by even the smallest of laptops or pc moniters.

    all my pages were done with seperate keywords and titles and have great standings now. thank you bethers!

    if some could please take a few minutes and check out to make sure its ok and see if you can find any more mistakes i would really appreciate it.

    i will be trying to install a sitemap next any easy instructions would be great!

    thx again

    Malcolm Pender


    • malcolm1
      First Sergeant

      • Mar 2006
      • 70

      Re: Any advice for better keyword rankings??

      hello..... pet121
      i just downloaded WebCEO and it generated the same thing we talked about earlier about the "title" has to come before the charactor set. i thought i fixed the problem when i changed the title, but it seems not so and its hurting my rankings. would ya mind helping me out somehow ive been trying to delete the charactor set.. BUT IT WONT LET ME!

      here is what webceo said.......

      B. Main on-the-page factors influencing your ranking

      1. <HEAD> area:
      1. Your Title tag is not the first tag in the <HEAD> area of your page! Your Title tag should be placed before all other tags, otherwise search engines may overlook it which will significantly damage your rankings.

      2. Your Title tag has stop words! Words such as "and, on, a, the, for, to, about, are, that, were, by, of" and other auxiliary words are too common and search engines don't take them into consideration. By using a stop word in your Title tag, you potentially damage your rankings. A rule of thumb: the less stop words you use in your Title tag, the better.

      3. Your keyword is not present in the Title tag! Your keyword should appear at least once in the Title tag, but it doesn't appear at all. Put the keyword into your Title tag or you'll be unlikely to rank high.

      META Keywords:
      1. Your keyword weight in the META Keywords is too low! When it comes to this tag, the higher the keyword weight, the better. Meanwhile, on your page, keyword weight doesn't come to more than 9.3%. Try to remove the least informative and least relevant keywords, thus increasing keyword weight.

      2. <BODY> area: [IMG]res://C:\Program Files\Web CEO\BIN\Analise32.dll/helpmegif[/IMG]Visible text [IMG]res://C:\Program Files\Web CEO\BIN\Analise32.dll/helpmegif[/IMG]

      1. Your page has too many words! Our research has revealed that the majority of top-ranked pages contain up to 1320 words. Your page has 2102 words. It is understood that copy is of critical importance to the overall results of your site--if this page already ranks high, we don't recommend slashing it. If your page is not alreadly highly ranked, try to remove some text from the visible area of your page known as <Body>. Doing so will help your page fit the recommended range of 113-1320 words.

      2. Your keyword doesn't have enough weight on your page! Your keyword should constitute at least 2 percent, while with your page it is only 0.2%. Increase the keyword weight so its value ranges within the boundaries of 2-10 percent. Also keep in mind the possibility of using different forms of your keywords. While ranking, search engines consider not only direct matches of keywords, but also their various alterations. For instance, for the query "web hosting," search engines will take into account the occurrences of such words as "host", "hosting", "webhosts" etc. on your pages. In addition, the modification of your keyword makes the content more user-friendly, so your page doesn't look like a readability puzzle stuffed with one and the same keyphrase. And remember: a good technique for writing page copy is to write naturally.

      3. Your keyword is not present at the end of your page! Your page will be more relevant if your keyword appears at the end of the visible text. To achieve this, put your keyword in the last 50 words of your copy.First heading on the page (H1-H6) [IMG]res://C:\Program Files\Web CEO\BIN\Analise32.dll/helpmegif[/IMG]

      1. Your page either has no <H1> headings, or has no text in the first heading on the page! It is crucial that your keyword appears in one of these headings. We also recommend that you put an <H1> heading as close to the beginning of your page as possible. Search engines traditionally consider text in the headings to be essential, and having your keyword there will positively influence your website's overall optimality.Text in links including ALTs [IMG]res://C:\Program Files\Web CEO\BIN\Analise32.dll/helpmegif[/IMG]

      1. Your keyword rarely appears in the ALT / TITLE attributes of text and graphical links on this page! Your keyword should appear at least once in text links, but it doesn't appear at all. We recommend that it be used in such links up to 6 times. You can easily adjust this number with your favorite HTML editor.ALT image attributes [IMG]res://C:\Program Files\Web CEO\BIN\Analise32.dll/helpmegif[/IMG]

      1. Your keyword is not present in the first 3 ALT image attributes on your page (or there are no ALT attributes at all)! If you have images on your page, put the keyword in one of these ALTs as they are considered more important than the rest of the ALTs on your page. Even though ALT tags haven't gained much importance with Google, the Yahoo! and MSN search engines pay much more attention to them.

      Now widexl shows 100% on this page i dont get it??

      heres what i can say that i do know...

      step 1:

      after opening up index page.... go to blue voda on top go to VIEW.... from there go to page html, on this page i can see what your talking about but i dont know how to change or delete the charactor set and it wont let me!!

      ive been sitting here for a good 2 days experimenting and nothing works can you help me out of this one!


      Malcolm Pender


      • pet121

        • May 2005
        • 257

        Re: Any advice for better keyword rankings??

        Webceo will give a general idea as to what is going on. But to make your page title come first in your head elements do this.

        Open Blue Voda>>>>page properties>>>make sure the character set is blank>>>>then open up Page html and paste the <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"> between head tag>>>republish. Webceo will always say this for your index page.

        This is about properly nesting your head elements. Webceo is a good program and its' free. There is a learnning curve involved, and involves a lot of work to get things just right.



        • pet121

          • May 2005
          • 257

          Re: Any advice for better keyword rankings??

          Just to add some SE's still look for keywords. Google on the other hand does not, instead it will parse the most relevant keywords. Its best have them, no keywords no serps, plus your meta description is very important. pet121


          • malcolm1
            First Sergeant

            • Mar 2006
            • 70

            Re: Any advice for better keyword rankings??

            thanks pet121....
            I did as you said went to page properties took out the "charactor code" and left it blank, then returned to html.. and on the "bottom" copy and pasted the code you left above.

            i put this code into the "between head tab" not sure but i put this code in "after" the verifacation code i put in for google sitemap.
            this was the only place google would verify my site, so i placed the code thier, it worked because as soon as i did that google verified it.
            ( so in other words i placed the code after the google code)

            should i just remove google tag since its already been verified or you think it will cause a problem later with the spiders?

            ok my site is still up and running but part of the title words can be seen peeking out from behind the light grey backgound on the top.

            do you think i should go back in and place the title tag first then add the google code after words?

            I checked in www.widexl to make sure it didnt hurt rankings and all was ok. went to web CEO and it NO longer says....

            1.YOUR TAG IS NOT the first tag in the <head> area of your page!
            so thats a plus i think cause at least like it says above....... "search engines may overlook it which will damage rankings".

            one more.... am i going to have to do this to all 4 pages?

   the way SE"s stands 4 search engine right or suggestions? and what the heck is a serp???? its not in the dictonary :(

            hey your not trying to talk to me in computer lingo are ya? lmao


            Malcolm Pender


            • pet121

              • May 2005
              • 257

              Re: Any advice for better keyword rankings??

              Do it for all your pages. Serp stands for search engine page ranking, basically where your page ranks for certain keywords or phrases. Ranking will always fluctuate until you get a solid website.

              Search engines like propper formatt for HTML especially in you head elements. Slowly republish don't go crazy and republish everything all at once.

              open your page HTML select "between head and tag" and simply paste

              <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
              <META name="Robots" content="INDEX,FOLLOW">
              <meta name="googlebot" content="INDEX, FOLLOW" />

              When you go to and publish thing will be correct formatt. Whether or not to include

              <META name="Robots" content="INDEX,FOLLOW">
              <meta name="googlebot" content="INDEX, FOLLOW" />

              Is entirely up to you. I have had lots of success using this method. I rank 5 from 45 million for one key phrase on Google. My site is far from complete, because I had been side tracked for the last 6 months. I am back in now and hoping to wrap it up.

              The next site which I am planning has to do with content thieves. The people who steal information and spam search engines. Should be interesting, this sort of behavior is becoming a real problem.

              I hope this helps. Try and learn some stuff it pays off big time. pet121


              • malcolm1
                First Sergeant

                • Mar 2006
                • 70

                Re: Any advice for better keyword rankings??

                hello pet121...

                I do appreciate all your help youve given me so far, and i am trying to learn. thats why i ask questions. :)
                since you are familier with the web CEO program i was wondering how and what they are talking about with <H1> tags.

                this is the only explanation they give in the help section.

                First heading on the page (H1-H6)
                Syntax: <H1>Keyword in the Heading</H1>, < H3>Keyword in the Heading</H3>, etc.
                It is important the keyword is present in the very first heading tag on the page regardless of its type. If the keyword is also used as a first word, you will raise its prominence.

                1. Your page either has no <H1> headings, or has no text in the first heading on the page! It is crucial that your keyword appears in one of these headings. We also recommend that you put an <H1> heading as close to the beginning of your page as possible. Search engines traditionally consider text in the headings to be essential, and having your keyword there will positively influence your website's overall optimality.

                if my understanding is correct they are asking me to make this code and paste my top 6 keywords in the html section under START OF PAGE is this correct?

                <H1>high income business opportunities<H1/><H2>profitable home based business<H2/><H3>proven income opportunity<H3/> 4-5-6

                Im not sure because this is the only explanation given and if im correct they are talking about the first paragragh or sentece in my page right?

                another question is .... is my keywords in my page properties are they sopposed to be in the order of importance talking about my meta tags in page propertites.

       the way after you gave me that code, for title in "widexl" i have a perfect score of 100% on all lines. its claiming its excellent home page.

                another question i have is this.

                3. Your keyword is not present at the end of your page! Your page will be more relevant if your keyword appears at the end of the visible text. To achieve this, put your keyword in the last 50 words of your copy.

                this is the last word in the bottom of my index page.....

                We spent years testing and perfecting this proven highly profitable and legitimate online shopping Dollarstore and came to the conclusion it was one that anyone could not fail to make money on. This proven high income opportunity is the one we are now sharing with you today it is the easiest, and most profitable home based business opportunities we have found in this multi billion dollar marketplace.

                as can be seen the words profitable,highly,proven,legitimate are all mentioed in the text at the end of page.

                maybe you could shed some light on this for me.

                again i do very much appreciate your helping me with these optimization Questions.
                thank you very much for teaching and explaining these codes to me.

                thank you

                Malcolm Pender


                • pet121

                  • May 2005
                  • 257

                  Re: Any advice for better keyword rankings??

                  1. H tags I don't use these are title tags. Instead I achieve the same results by making sure my page title is mentioned in the first part of my visible content. H tags can be entered within BV. Some webmasters use them some don't it all depends on your site, each site is unique.

                  2.I would ignore what webceo is telling in regards for your keyword at bottom of text.

                  I am glad your relevancy went up, it should help with your serps. So know its my turn why are URL extensions important? pet121


                  • malcolm1
                    First Sergeant

                    • Mar 2006
                    • 70

                    Re: Any advice for better keyword rankings??

                    Hi pet121

                    my URL extensions?? hmmmmmmm.....well to be honest i tried asking that question in the google bar and it came up with a small list that didnt give me my answer.

                    i dont know i might far off here but url extentions i think mean for instance

                    my main URL

                    ext i think would be the ending after main /links.html or resources.html
                    only thing i could think off would be for more added content in a website,for better page information.

                    ok i have NO clue

                    DO TELL......


                    Malcolm Pender


                    • pet121

                      • May 2005
                      • 257

                      Re: Any advice for better keyword rankings??

                      Although there are a variety of ways of doing good seo. Some have many different approaches on the matter.

                      My approach is url extension should match your page title and your page title and one or more of your keywords should be mentioned in the first part of your content.

                      For example:

             from here your page title would be
                      "sewing crafts together"

                      In your visible content, first paragraph should begin with Sewing crafts together then expand from there.

                      First keyword phrase would therefore be sewing crafts together, perhaps crafts sewing as an second keyword.

                      Keyword digger is fine, but remember the keyword you are targetting must reside in your content x amount of times, if not you are spamming.

                      This is just one approach, there are several others for example, instead of having you page title reside in the first part on your content. Drop your banner down and enters the phrase "sewing crafts together" above the banner.

                      If I had more time I would write a full article on this subject. Seo changes everyday, but the basics do not. pet121


                      • malcolm1
                        First Sergeant

                        • Mar 2006
                        • 70

                        Re: Any advice for better keyword rankings??

                        HI..... pet121

                        i would still like to try out those <h1> tags on my site was the code ok and if so were do i place them.

                        just want to see if it helps out.


                        Malcolm Pender


                        • malcolm1
                          First Sergeant

                          • Mar 2006
                          • 70

                          Re: Any advice for better keyword rankings??

                          hello... pet 121

                          index page title would be....

                          Profitable home based businesses require Proven income opportunities

                          as soon as you enter page in big bold type....

                          Profitable home based businesses+proven income opportunities=Success

                          then as soon as paragragh starts somthing along the lines of...

                          Profitable home based businesses and proven income opportunitys go hand in hand one without the other are...blah blah blah

                          would something like this be ok for the search engines?

                          im trying to use 2 of my strongest keywords that have KEI of 300+ so as to reach the best results.


                          Malcolm Pender


                          • Bethers
                            Major General & Forum Moderator

                            • Feb 2006
                            • 5224

                            Re: Any advice for better keyword rankings??

                            I've given instructions on here in other threads on h tags - and I find they are very good to use.

                            I do NOT make my title and headlines and url extensions all match - BUT - you DO need to have your keywords in all of them as much as possible - so that means they will be close. Sometimes they'll be different because you really should be targetting 3-5 keyword phrases per page - so you can't hit all of them in each of those.

                            The h tags work well for me in some cases. Just make sure that what you put in them is a headline - not a sentence - and don't abuse them. You should only have ONE h1 tag per page. You can have multiple h2-h6's tags if necessary - but again - make sure that they make sense and fit your page.
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                            • malcolm1
                              First Sergeant

                              • Mar 2006
                              • 70

                              Re: Any advice for better keyword rankings??

                              hi.... bethers

                              ok i got a couple good keywords but those two above are the strongest KEI keywords and want to use the best for tags.

                              is the code i used above the way that its sopposed to be? and were are they placed?

                              which one of the 6 tabs in html for <H1>? and or how many tags for that matter and where are they placed??.


                              Malcolm Pender


                              • malcolm1
                                First Sergeant

                                • Mar 2006
                                • 70

                                Re: Any advice for better keyword rankings??

                                Hello bethers....

                                Scratch that last message i want to be a little more specific with my questions. and after i had it were i wanted it it timed out on me and i had to start over.

                                1.Question: is this code formatted correctly? and is this ok for a H1 tag ? its not in sentence form i mean.

                                <H1>High income business opportunities for success<H1/>

                                2.Question: exactly were is H1 to be placed in the html section ...which tab?

                                3.Question: were do the rest of the tags belong in what tabs or tab.

                                <H2>profitable home based businesses make money<H2/>

                                <H3>proven income opportunity from home<H3/>



                                Malcolm Pender

