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I tried bunch. Been using Mozilla Firefox for the last 2 yrs. I love it.
When I made my site I was using the preview in both firefox and IE. Since lot of people use IE. the setting I used for preview purpose only in IE is largest text under view text size option, that way I don't over lap anything as far as text/photos go.
In Mozilla there's a ;itt;e feature, if you press ctrl + it enlarges the page/ or ctrl- which decreases the page. If you use this feature. You will quickly realize that set ups are better than others when it comes to BV builder or any drag and drop website builder.
Okay now that I confused you. Good Luck...heh
Sure would be nice if the pictures would expand and contract with the text. Oh well,
After reading, decided to also install Slim Browser. Switched from IE default to FF since March. Less problems. Will see how this new SB works. I'm up for anything new and recommended here. On occasion I get a little gliche with FF but not worth going back to IE. I do find the Manage Bookmarks is not as user friendly as IE or I'm not quick to change my old big deal. I'll give feedback on the SlimBrowser...