Store Loyalty Cards

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  • FPRob

    • Aug 2006
    • 955

    Re: Store Loyalty Cards

    And all I was saying in my original post is that supermarkets could not do as you suggested in your last post without the use of loyalty cards. thats all I said!!!

    You just spent two days arguing against my point only to say "yes, the loyalty card is a good way of info gathering in order to market things in better way".

    Pointless as far as I can see.



    • Bethers
      Major General & Forum Moderator

      • Feb 2006
      • 5224

      Re: Store Loyalty Cards

      I'm sorry that you dislike different points of view so much. I was not disagreeing with what the cards do - I was disagreeing that they are evil - which is what you stated in the first message.
      A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

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      • allstarfaces
        Brigadier General

        • Apr 2006
        • 1665

        Re: Store Loyalty Cards

        id just like to say i dont have anything to hide so i dont give a monkeys i say let the retailers know about me i have no freinds so at least some one is interested in me and i like having my pic took bring on big brother i say, i need looking after, i was in the army so that might be why? any way if some one realy wanted gain information for any underhand reason about me or any one else they could go through my bins and have all th eidentity they need to take over my life so in the end its all ***** starry thats right starry you thought i said a rude word then didnt you but i know there are children tuning in to this frequency ( ive just turned my webcam round the other way cos i heard you can hack ito them i should know ive got the progrmae lol) spooky
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        • Girlonthehill

          • Oct 2005
          • 4193

          Re: Store Loyalty Cards

          Originally Posted by FPRob
          Its not that I dislike differing points of view Bethers. I just dislike being told I am wrong when I am posting things after first hand experience.

          I don't think people have said that you are wrong. You have experienced whatever you have experienced. However, after all is said and done, your opinion is just that - your opinion and as such is subjective. It's based on your way of looking at the world and tidbits of information that you decide to gather as you go along your merry way. Others have different ways of looking at things and see the same things in a totally different perspective. Your opinion is heavily slanted by your experience and the same goes for everyone else. What about the people that have been to conferences and heard a different viewpoint? One can hear the same argument a hundred times, it doesn't mean that it's right.

          But I have been to our Manager conferences and heard company executives talking differently,
          Ive heard them saying to each other and the staff directly below them that the cards are doing wonders for customer profiling and particularly well for helping them guage age groups in different areas of the country.

          I've heard that first hand so I woldnt even call it a conspiracy. I call it a reality and as for not holding water. People are not reading my posts. I have heard and seen all this first hand :)

          I honestly dont mind that kind of posting/replying when I do say something that is conjecture, guess work, conspiracy based but surely you know what it is like to be argued with when you know yourself that what you are saying is completely correct!?

          Okay, you have 'heard' this stuff. I hear stuff everyday, especially from the media. It doesn't mean that I believe it and especially don't accept it as gospel! I’ll can visit a bar, anytime, and hear people ranting on about subjects for which they have little or no understanding. Expressing views on something they read in a newspaper that day. It doesn’t mean that the original article or they are right. You heard other peoples' opinions and their 'take' on the subject using 'managerial' lingo. It's sensible to take this into consideration when forming opinions about subjects. But it is also advisable to seek out other viewpoints and information. Which is, I believe, how you should have viewed this thread.

          Join the club! Half of the rest of the world think that they are right about everything too! LOL

          Take a look at some of my other posts, you will see that one of my pet hates is not being allowed to share a point of view or being banned for doing so so I would never dislike the fact that somebody is sharing their personal view.

          You could have easily said "I dont think the cards are evil" and I wouldnt have bveen nearly so offended.

          And how can they not be evil? They are used as a spying device to collect info about you but the card distributos in this case supermarkets are blatantly telling you that they are for something else.

          Actually, I believe that most people, who use these cards, are more than aware that information about spending habits is gathered each time they are swiped. Most people know and are not, in the least little bit, bothered by this fact. We do live in an age where information is gathered, traded and kept for all sorts of reasons, but it certainly isn’t the supermarkets and stores that you should be spending your energy worrying about!

          You me and RaceFan might have enough common sense about us to realise the truth behind what the cards are for but most people dont see that, they genuinely do think the card is for savings which means that the wool i sbeing pulled over their eyes and they will never have any idea of the personal info that is being logged about them. Like I said, this is just the start of a big snowball that is rolling down a hill and when they figuere out ways to use these cards to gether more info (that they cannot yet gather) they will do it and eventualy our entire lives will be logged in a computer at the store head office :)
          Now, this is where you started to get my goat. Where do you get off making sweeping statements like that, Rob? You should credit people with a little more intelligence, maybe you could learn a little from listening to the opinions of some of these lesser mortals. I am all for a good conspiracy theory, but put this into some sort of perspective, my friend.

          So your orginal point wasnt about the cards not being evil and i know you dont care if they know what products you are buying that isnt the point. The point is the other personal information they get from knowing which products you buy and when.
          In my humble opinion, the cards are not evil. The reasons for the cards existing are not evil unless, of course, you view capitalism as a form of evil. People enter into these agreements with a full knowledge of what they are about. I, for another, do not feel threatened, in any way whatsoever, by the information kept about my spending habits. The Data Protection Act ensures that my information cannot be used for anything other than what I have given my express permission for. Heck, if them understanding my spending habits ensures that the stuff I want to buy is always on the shelf and I get to receive relevant coupons, through the mail that save me a little extra, then I’m a happy bunny.

          anyway, it doesnt matter. Almost every thread that i have posted in the last 48 hours has been shot down for one reason or another despite them being from personal knowledge or from genuine interest. Im getting used to it.

          I don’t find this last bit at all surprising, for some reason. You have a harsh style and come across as very argumentative sometimes. People will, more than likely, react in a similar way.


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          • Collectors-info

            • Feb 2006
            • 8703

            Re: Store Loyalty Cards

            Talking about loyalty cards & marketing strategies! Have vodahost got any deals coming up, like the cheap domains & alike. You can use my info to send me a discounted package if you wish. I really don’t mind if it saves me money. How about a 2 for one deal on domains, with a free jar of coffee? Only pulling your leg. (Forget the coffee)


            Regards Chris.

            Collectables, Collecting,


            House build project


            • racefan20
              Major General

              • Jul 2005
              • 2335

              Re: Store Loyalty Cards

              Originally posted by Collectors-info
              Talking about loyalty cards & marketing strategies! Have vodahost got any deals coming up, like the cheap domains & alike. You can use my info to send me a discounted package if you wish. I really don’t mind if it saves me money. How about a 2 for one deal on domains, with a free jar of coffee? Only pulling your leg. (Forget the coffee)




              Don't know if it will work for you, but nice try! LOL
              My NASCAR Forum


              • Collectors-info

                • Feb 2006
                • 8703

                Re: Store Loyalty Cards

                Originally posted by racefan20

                Don't know if it will work for you, but nice try! LOL
                Race & all! I am Sorry! I must have terrible morals for posting this here? Nah! Sod it. Let go for 3 for 1 domains? What you say Voda?

                Chris. (The terrible) (The loyal) (The mediator) (The unscrupulous)
                Regards Chris.

                Collectables, Collecting,


                House build project

