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Active X is like a control that Microsoft (?) came up with to prevent open access to your computer. When it pop ups you're essentially being asked if its ok to open a site you're visiting. I know that you can ignore from your browser Tool>Internet Options. Sometimes its a nuisance and some users are scared away.
I am not exactly sure how to stop it from appearing when you create a page.
I am impressed with your index page! It really looks awesome. I do have an idea concerning your password/contact page. Where you ask for the customers personal/business telephone numbers, i think it would helpful if you provided a way for the customer to find out what their country code is. I am an american but i dont know what my country code is.
If you will reply back with the usa country code for my numbers i will sign-up for a password.
I am impressed with your index page! It really looks awesome. I do have an idea concerning your password/contact page. Where you ask for the customers personal/business telephone numbers, i think it would helpful if you provided a way for the customer to find out what their country code is. I am an american but i dont know what my country code is.
If you will reply back with the usa country code for my numbers i will sign-up for a password.
First, thank you, your country code is 1 so you put +1, the dirsctory protected contain my portfolio as mentioned above, I'm moving and I will be looking for a new job, so time to get interview and show my samples na na na na, and sometimes, companies are interested to see samples with the resume letter, I have sooooooooooo many, how I'm gonna do that, I have to send a library, then I found that better for me and easier for companies to find out all that in a web site.
and by the way, I know about the country mystery, I'm still updating the form, I'll put the countries box and city etc.
I have a problem with your index page. I tried to put my volume up on my laptop to hear the music. Since I am on a laptop I have to press on FN then my arrows up and down to control the volume. All though when I do so it doesnt let me. Some window pops up saying:
Ahhhhhh, yeah, I putted a script to stop the keyboard's work and right click just for testing, but I'll remove it shortly because I'm updating the design and the form, so you will enjoy it within 24 h maximum
hello i have downloaded the blue voda but there is someprob . whenever i write something and preview the page it does not work . why is tht so? the preview pase is not working. whenever i go to preview page.