I have installed simple machines forum from fantastico and none of the images will show. I have tested it in IE, Mozilla Firefox and Opera and they wont work in any of those browsers. I have also tried reinstalling it three times with no difference to the images. I can post my own pictures in threads both with image code and with the image uploader but none of the smilies, images or icons on any of the pages will work. It looks very ugly with empty icons all over the place. If anyone can explain to me how I can fix it so that everything works I would appreciate it. I also tried installing phpbb instead and it had the same problem which leads me to think that it has something to do with the uploading from fantastico. If you think you may be able to help you can find the forum at http://footballfreaks.clubezy.com and you can login as admin using the username : admin1 password : 12345 ,feel free to try anything with the settings that you think might fix the problem but please change them back if the changes dont work and if they do work please post here what you did to fix it!
Thank you.
Thank you.