can you please tell me how do i upload it?
Re: phpbb3
if your using bv's ftp it sometimes has a ishew uploading a folder that has just folders in it. to combat this right click on your server side and make a new folder named styles. then open it and the one on your pc side. on the pc side you should now see two folders prosilver and subsilver2 now copy into the server side.
Re: phpbb3
First make yourself a database. This can be done by going to your cPanel clicking MySQL Databases, look for New Database: in the box Wright the name you wish to give your database maybe phpbb3 then click create Database, you see that a database has now been created, notice the the name of it and Wright it down it will be prefixed with your cpanel username so it will look like username_phpbb3 . You now need to create a username and password ( if your have done this before and you know a username and password skip this bit) look for Currant Users, you will see two boxes username and password fill them out no spaces and make shore you wright the password down then click Create User. Again notice that the username is prefixed.
Now you need to match your database to your username. Look for the Add Users To Your Databases: you will see two dropdown boxes user: and database: select the user you made and the database you made. Make sure the Privileges:All check box is checked. Then click Add User To Database. You have now made your database. Exit cpanel
Now using your FTP Manger upload all the forum files you downloaded from The folder should be named phpBB3, if you wish to have a name like forum then ether rename the phpBB3 folder or create a folder on your server and upload the contents of the phpBB3 folder.
Once you have finished uploading check that all the folders and files have been uploaded. Then watch this video to run you thought the install procedure.
if have any trouble post here or contact me though my forum.