Can you take a look at my site and help me create a link back to my index page from my forum? Thanks :)
Cant get back to my site from the forum
Re: Cant get back to my site from the forum
Your forum is opening in a new window, so in order to get back to home from forum, all they have to do is close the forum window. I imagine it is a matter of just making and hyperlinking a button for Team 307 home in the top of the forum. I am not versed in setting up the forums, but the way you have it now will get you by until you can hyperlink that new nav button at the top.Karen Williams
Your Belief is Your Reality
Re: Cant get back to my site from the forum
If you don't have any experience editing html code I would say to go to the smf developers forum or a website with mod/hacks for smf and see if there is one you can install that add a link to your homepage or change the logo to link to your homepage instead of the forum index.
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