Hi All at VodaTalk,
Just as I was going to install a forum on my own website, I found this news
as I was researching PhpBB. Are the Bots getting smarter, smart enough to
pass a "Captcha" barrier and register itself?
Mass hacking of phpBB forums by FuntKlakow bot.
If you are running a forum using the phpBB software you might want to check if a user named FuntKlakow has registered as a member. During the last few days a bot using that name has been registering itself to tens, possible hundreds, of thousands of phpBB forums.
I found out this bot has also registered itself with two of my forums. A suggestion on how to defense against these kind of bots can be find here but I donβt see any quick solution using that method.
What I did was banned FuntKlakow and enable visual conformation. If a vanilla visual confirmation doesnβt keep off all the spambots, someone from phpBB Community forum suggested combining it with other tricks or change your captcha
Just as I was going to install a forum on my own website, I found this news
as I was researching PhpBB. Are the Bots getting smarter, smart enough to
pass a "Captcha" barrier and register itself?
Mass hacking of phpBB forums by FuntKlakow bot.
If you are running a forum using the phpBB software you might want to check if a user named FuntKlakow has registered as a member. During the last few days a bot using that name has been registering itself to tens, possible hundreds, of thousands of phpBB forums.
I found out this bot has also registered itself with two of my forums. A suggestion on how to defense against these kind of bots can be find here but I donβt see any quick solution using that method.
What I did was banned FuntKlakow and enable visual conformation. If a vanilla visual confirmation doesnβt keep off all the spambots, someone from phpBB Community forum suggested combining it with other tricks or change your captcha