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i have logged into admin and gone into forum permissions and adjusted the settings but still the "New Tread" icon does not appear under or above the forum topic. What good is a forum if i can't post new threads, lol!
Well without logging in there.. all i can tell you definitavely is that you have to go to each forum/section and set the permissions for each one. You also have to set up users.. and what they have permission to post to threads.
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Well I just went and signed up to see if I could post. The button is there, but it's hidden for some reason. Mouse over the page just above the bar and you should get a text pop up of the button. I made a post which is awaiting moderation so you can see if that all works.
hey its good that that the "NEW THREAD" button is there but i cannot find it even hovering over with my mouse. You say it is just above the bar i still cannot find any pop up menu. Is it on the left or right of the page?
Even though you say that the button is hidden, is there any way i can make it visible?
Try changing the template you are using to one of the default ones, if you can see the button to post a thread then you know your permissions are right and that there is just something wrong with the template you installed (and on that note, perhaps you didn't upload the images to the correct directory)
Register/Login Script
Do you use a Password Protected Directory? Need a way to allow users to make their own account, try my .htaccess Login Script
yes i changed the template and the new thread button shows up, thanks for that. But i prefer to keep the template i already had so its a shame the button wont show.
Try reinstalling the template, I doubt someone released a template with that big of a bug, its pretty hard to miss something like missing new thread buttons. I just suggested switching to a default to try to rule out reasons why its not working.
Register/Login Script
Do you use a Password Protected Directory? Need a way to allow users to make their own account, try my .htaccess Login Script