How could I build a banner for my website? The other thing I got in
difficulties with , I need to do an index.html file. Then I want the
index.html background to be with the company name gif file.
How can I creat a gif file? Did you know any free software that
helps to creat a gif file? If i just build my site in bluevoda or just with note pad can it be opend with a unix machine. What kind of things or codes I don't need to use ? The website that i creat with bluevoda software can't get opend with the other software like internet explorer and micromedia dreamwaver. How can I make my html page can also work on the unix machine?
Best Regards,
How could I build a banner for my website? The other thing I got in
difficulties with , I need to do an index.html file. Then I want the
index.html background to be with the company name gif file.
How can I creat a gif file? Did you know any free software that
helps to creat a gif file? If i just build my site in bluevoda or just with note pad can it be opend with a unix machine. What kind of things or codes I don't need to use ? The website that i creat with bluevoda software can't get opend with the other software like internet explorer and micromedia dreamwaver. How can I make my html page can also work on the unix machine?
Best Regards,