I am hoping someone can help me. I have set up a (free) wordpress blog as the start of my not for profit organisation, www.changingwomen.wordpress.com. I also have a domain registered for this www.changingwomen.com.au which is currently not hosted anywhere. I want to have a place where I can post articles (the blog is perfect for this), but the most important part is to have a way that people can become members of the forum, subscribe and contribute to discussions easily.
I am wondering if the best way to handle this is to set up my domain hosting and instal phpBB and just link to the blog? Would phpBB run off a subdomain managed through my existing domain (www.inthebushatthebeach.com) control panel or would I be best to start completely fresh?
I am hoping someone can help me. I have set up a (free) wordpress blog as the start of my not for profit organisation, www.changingwomen.wordpress.com. I also have a domain registered for this www.changingwomen.com.au which is currently not hosted anywhere. I want to have a place where I can post articles (the blog is perfect for this), but the most important part is to have a way that people can become members of the forum, subscribe and contribute to discussions easily.
I am wondering if the best way to handle this is to set up my domain hosting and instal phpBB and just link to the blog? Would phpBB run off a subdomain managed through my existing domain (www.inthebushatthebeach.com) control panel or would I be best to start completely fresh?