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I personally think Mr Sorenson has waaaaaaaay to much time on his hands. Sure the urinals are pretty now, but how are they gonna look after 1,000 men have pee'd in them? I mean are they gonna clean these pieces of art like they do urinals everywhere else? If so these urinals won't be pretty for long... Besides did you see the price tags on some of those $9,500 for a toilet! It's not even a full blown toilet, it's only half a toilet! $10,000 to pee in a flower or a shell ... I think I'll just keep on stepping outside and pee'ing off my porch.
The latest thing In japan is electronic toilets/bedetes they cost several thousand dollars,and open and close the lid at the push of a button. Some people have too much money and must keep up with the "FUJI'S" (or JONES'S). There seems to be a need for people to show others they have money to piss off. LOL