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Everybody else must be to ashamed of their age Bee :)
LOL...I LOVE getting older...I really am getting better and learning of my good freinds keeps telling me to stop telling people my age thinks it ages cracks me up when she says
I always believe your're only as old as you feel. (mentally fact that I feel like I'm younger than my age (juvenile in fact according to my sister) is just more fun for me....:)
Yeah I love getting older too... Creaking knees are just frikkin fantastic LOL
I know the bad Knees problem. But this was due to begging my customers for payment. NO! They are all great really. Don’t be cruel & hound dog by Elvis was my time. Not sure if I should read anything into these titles. Good link if you need to find out a date on your birth & NO:1’s
My dad would have a fit! LOL, He is an avid and VERY serious vinyl collector. He has close to 10,000 albums. Before that he collected baseball cards, He has listed all of his cards onto cd and at last count was way over 100,000 cards ... My dad collects all kinds of stuff.