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Back to School 2

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  • Back to School 2

    And relax.....

    The kids have gone back to school and I can now work in peace. Their school is brand new and each class room has a brilliant bit of kit. In the old days we used to have a blackboard, then they changed them to wipe boards with magnetic abilities and now they interactive computer screen wipe board thingy! It's great, you can play games on it, use it as a monitor, it's touch sensitve so you can tap it and make selections/alteratons and you can still use it as a wipe board. It even has a built in mouse!

    The down side is of course that when the teacher gets annoyed instead of lobbing a board rubber at you head (those wooden ones really used to hurt) he now throws a whole computer at you!

  • #2
    Re: Back to School 2

    It’s funny! If you got into trouble at our school, the teacher used to send you out to the cloakroom to find the largest plimsoll you could find for a quick whack on the bum. If you brought back a small one (big mistake) he carried a spare giant size 14 in his desk draw. (Would much prefer this than a 19” monitor flying at you?)
    Regards Chris.

    Collectables, Collecting,

    House build project

