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If your cow is doing the "bow wow wow" you failed to notice it is cow for "boo hoo hoo" her more attention, and she will show you how-how-how to keep her happy and being a "productive" member of your household!
I know....modern cows have modern distractions! Eyelashes! Phooey!
Why did you even give her money to spend, LadyLinda??? Should have told her to stay in the car and make like cheap set of seat covers!
Seat covers! look what youve done..she's mooing and dropping cow pats all over the place ....there there Talula..he didnt mean it....forgot to mention she's a nosy old cow to, she's always in the chat room listening to some old bull!
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Or somewhere's else.....can you imagine the terror of having a cow pierce you with those clumsy hooves? I'd have to be completely "bang on the head so hard there's no chance of ever waking up" out to allow that.....
That's a good idea, don't let the turkey know....and probably wise of you to stay out of it.
Today my cow, is getting a new Christmas bonnet, one that doesn't make her ears stick out.
A classical mooooooovement might just be the thing to settle my cow down, instead of the latest cow'nt down, what a good idea Bill.
Yeah, they do struggle with fashion, don't they? Mine was so upset about her hats making her ears look big that she was contemplating having them pinned back. I managed to convince her that she is beautiful just as she is, ears and all and there was no need to 'hide' them. I hope your cow finds just the thing! There's nothing worse than not feeling comfortable when you want to look your best.
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Jeez Amanda, how did you get your cow to listen? Spill the secret, I'm cownting on you. I gave mine some hoof prints ice-cream this morning, it's her favorite. I was out of HoneyNut Oats. lol It's Christmas, what the hay, give a cow a treat, it goes a long way.