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  • Lincslady
    Brigadier General

    • Jan 2006
    • 1397


    Do things happen to you?

    It has been said ...that on occasions, i'm a bit dizzy....yes ..I know! ..unbelieveable....I cant understand it either...things just happen to me..but anyway, while chatting to an old friend on the phone she reminded me of the time I went shopping for saucepans and asked the sales girl if she had any ....."steenless stale pans"...we laughed all day lol ....heres a couple more I thought i'd share ....then its your turn ;o)....

    While out shopping on a very cold, icy, Febuary morning, I had to go to my bank wich was on a very steep road, trying very carefully not to slip on the ice, teetering along taking those tiny little steps ..as u do...when I felt myself falling ...oh my god! not in the middle of town please no! ..in desperation, I grabbed the nearest thing to me to try to stop my fall.....took hold of this poor womans boobs! who was standing waiting for someone and pulled her down with me!....when we both got up ....I apologised...several times.....luckily she saw the funny side ....:o)

    Another time I went shopping for food...came back unpacked ...then thought i'd make myself a sandwich and a nice cuppa rosie lee,(tea)...but couldnt find the bread! ....had to go to the local shop and buy some more ...it was a total mystery where the bread went..cos i knew I bought some ... 2 days later I was doing some washing and went to put the damp washing in the tumble drier...and there was the bread!!!....lol

    ok your turn!..I cant be the only one things happen to lol
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  • LadyEye
    General & Forum Moderator

    • Jun 2006
    • 10526

    Re: Dizzy

    lol Linda ... okay, I'll play

    It was late fall, we had lived in a farmhouse which had a woodstove in the front room ... the chimney to the stove was not yet hooked up .... it was a chilly day, several times throughout the day my mom and I would mention how cold it was and that we wished we could light the woodstove but would remember it was not yet hooked up to the chimney ....

    Well, we got so chilly that we finally did forget why we were not lighting the woodstove and we lit it ....

    and of course, filled the house with smoke .....


    Another time, my mom and I are playing scrabble, for what must have been like 12 hours straight .. it's two o'clock in the morning and we are making words ... we put the word "one" down on the board ... we both looked at each other and said that doesn't look like a word, what is that? We said "Owenee" and took to the laughing and to this very day, everytime we do something silly we look at each other and both say "Owenee" .... lol


    And of course, there is always the times when you get a new vehicle and park in a parking lot and cannot find your vehicle, only to realize you already sold it and had a new one. P.S. I have my name on my car, then I know it's mine ..... true!!

    Yeah, I call it "Brain Overload" lol for lack of what the real thing may be!!


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    • Lincslady
      Brigadier General

      • Jan 2006
      • 1397

      Re: Dizzy

      That scrabble one made me laugh out loud! ...thanks for sharing that ....

      Oh dont get me started on the car thing lol ...thats funny

      I once went to the supermarket parked the car , done my shopping, put my shopping in the car and sat in the passenger side! ...it was a few seconds before I thought..."what the hell am I doing here"..the wheel is on the other side lol....of cors I pretended that I was looking for something ... I felt a right narna! lol
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      • Dream Lady
        Major General

        • Feb 2006
        • 2036

        Re: Dizzy

        Of course this kind of thing never happens to me. lol

        Hubby was sitting in a chair watching TV. He had his arms over and behind his head for quite a long time. He was holding one wrist with the other hand (kind of hard to describe...here let me show you..like this....) Anyway, all of a sudden his wrist kind of moved forward and out of the corner of his eye, he saw "something" that scared him so bad, he jumped a mile out of the chair.....it was his hand.
        Then one time we were living in Florida. We had just come home late at night and there were a ton of Palmetto bugs (cockroaches) flying all over the place. A few even flew down the front of his shirt. My husband was screaming at me to get the "TNT" (bug killer). I ran and got it and handed it to him thinking he would start spraying them. Instead he took the can and started beating his chest with the can to kill the bugs. Needless to say, he was a bit bruised afterwards.
        Cindy Smentowski


        • Lincslady
          Brigadier General

          • Jan 2006
          • 1397

          Re: Dizzy

          Hahahaha thats funny Cindy ...your hubby must make you laugh quite a bit I think lol
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          • LadyEye
            General & Forum Moderator

            • Jun 2006
            • 10526

            Re: Dizzy

            lol you two ... too too funny ... poor hubby .... but eewwww Cindy .... not accustomed to those roaches here ... had one experience once in I believe it was Louisiana ... I may be mistaken, somewhere there, used to travel a fair bit throughout the states, anyway , there was one loose in a bathroom that I went into .... I just had to leave and just did not go ... they say you get used to them ... I don't think I could .... eewwsss

            my mom and I, (yeah, we are pretty close, we do alot together, in case you are wondering) but we often go to flea markets, "or carboots" together as you all may call them, she is always getting back in the wrong car, but also you stop whenever you see a crowd happening, once by a hall that there is normally a flea market going on, but today was not the day .... it was a wedding ... and believe you me, we run to the sales, it's common to say "Whoever gets it first" lol .... so we went running into the hall to be greeted with a wedding going on ..... oh my we were embarrassed ..... If "Ownee" we knew .... lol


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            • Lincslady
              Brigadier General

              • Jan 2006
              • 1397

              Re: Dizzy

              lol ..Lady...hope you didnt run in at the part they say.."does anyone object!" lol

              I once thought I saw a friend of mine walking along the street , so I sneaked up behind her and slapped her on the back and said ...boo!...only to find it was a man with long hair ...hahahaha....how red faced was I? lol
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              • Dream Lady
                Major General

                • Feb 2006
                • 2036

                Re: Dizzy

                Ok, here's one, I really wanted to forget about....

                While camping up in the mountains about 20 years ago, we always camped away from the campgrounds as we didn't like the crowds of people. Where we camped you had to have 4-wheel drive to get in there and that was a challenge. So anyway, we're up there for a few days and haven't seen a sole. I had to go to the bathroom and as I was accustomed to doing, trek off a ways from camp, find a little cubby hole between some trees and do my thing. So...I'm squatting there enjoying the view and out of no where right in front of me is a man and his son (around 10 years of age). So, I just stayed squatting thinking they would turn their heads...I'd bury mine and it would be okey..But no...the man starts wanting to talk to me. "Hi!!, how's it going? Do you know how to get to the lake?, etc. I finally, said...excuse me...but I'm a little busy here. "Oh, no problem...have a good weekend", he said. "You to, I said...still squatting....
                Cindy Smentowski


                • Lincslady
                  Brigadier General

                  • Jan 2006
                  • 1397

                  Re: Dizzy

                  hahahaha!....Wonder if he is telling that story to lol .....so funny...I have that picture in my mind now lol

                  That reminds me of when I was in the states me n Jack went camping in the Redwoods, but before that we stopped off at a lovely little place called Bandon n parked right near the beach next to this very posh RV that had all the bells n whistles...anyway ...the couple came out with a kite and the guy was atempting to fly it by throwing it up in the air and running a little while the woman watched him...me n Jack were sat in the truck listening to the radio and watching the world go by ....the kite was one of them square box ones ...suddenly it took off...swirled around in a circle a few times then came down and sat right on the womans head! .....me n Jack were crying!....the guy tried not to laugh...it was the funniest thing....we still laugh about it today lol
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