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  • Willpower

    There are these three men that have to cross a large river.
    So the first guy gose to the river and says please God give me the streagth to cross this river, so he gets huge muscles and swims across.
    The next one prays to God and asks for strength and intelligence to cross the river, so he looked around and saw a tree, makes it into a rowboat, and rows accross the river.
    The third guy says "God give me Streagth, Intelligence, and Willpower to cross this river. God turns him into a women, thenshe looks over - sees a bridge and crosses it.


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  • #2
    Re: Willpower


    Who would dare think less?
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *


    • #3
      Re: Willpower

      You realize ...a woman actually coined the phrase, " I'll Cross that bridge when I come to it " so apparently....


      • #4
        Re: Willpower

        Awe choco ... agreed

        Man has his will - but woman has her way!! :)


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        • #5
          Re: Willpower

          Originally posted by LadyEye
          Awe choco ... agreed

          Man has his will - but woman has her way!! :)
          I remember the line form the movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" where the Mom explains the truth in life: "Men have been set to be the head of the Household, as it should be. You must never argue with that, but you should also never forget that if the man is the head, the woman is the Neck and can turn the head in whichever direction she thinks is best!"

          I have already learned to trust implicitly, which is an expression of my LifeTruth: for every decision, word, or gesture is also an extension of myself in every sense, worthy to defend and go to war for, and also to cherish and appreciate......
          . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
          * Success Is Potential Realized *


          • #6
            Re: Willpower

            learning is an art ... executing is another .... and both can be achieved by the simplicity of thought ... time becomes an issue and should not be forgotten .... you sound like you have hit the high roads with your thoughts, execution and learning becomes an everyday adventure in which you look forward to .....
            Nice ....


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            • #7
              Re: Willpower

              Originally posted by LadyEye
              learning is an art ... seems like the "scars" remind me that it was bashed into me...(and to think I was an Elementary Special Ed teacher for 2 years in Chicago! lol)..executing is another execution I always have found easy since childhood - sometimes too easy, becoming an arrogance of IQ until I got it under control.... and both can be achieved by the simplicity of thought ... I have had the benefit of reflection and time to purpose myself entirely anew..time becomes an issue and should not be forgotten ....and, I've learned to give up my time to others to make it worthy of being remembered... you sound like you have hit the high roads with your thoughts, execution and learning becomes an everyday adventure in which you look forward to .....absolutely! the truest spiritual trek I could undertake without fear of wandering off...
              Nice ....nicer to share than to simply be "there"...
              I have reached a point in my life I no longer need to "prove" anything, and can focus on the very things that interest me most, that are challenging or rewarding, and have a definitive positive benefit to not just myself.
              A lot of things mean more to me nowadays....I imagine this is the "relief" my Grandmother experienced when she was 80, and being about half that, I am in the position to enjoy it the way we were intended to!
              Being pretty much alone, I can still stay up late and fart around at the office, and have been trying to actually force myself to behaving as if I am doing a college project with an actual timetable to get things accomplished!
              I miss "doing" and getting the little praises that mean so much.....
              . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
              * Success Is Potential Realized *


              • #8
                Re: Willpower

                [quote=Vasili]I have reached a point in my life I no longer need to "prove" anything,(that in itself is proof of my observations) and can focus on the very things that interest me most, that are challenging or rewarding, and have a definitive positive benefit to not just myself. ( no time for play? without the rewards, perhaps all interest then)
                A lot of things mean more to me nowadays..(always)..I imagine this is the "relief" my Grandmother experienced when she was 80, and being about half that, I am in the position to enjoy it the way we were intended to! (nice position, do you have frog legs?, lol)
                Being pretty much alone, I can still stay up late and fart (pheww - flags the air as if she smells it, lol) around at the office, and have been trying to actually force myself to behaving as if I am doing a college project with an actual timetable to get things accomplished! (oops, oops, oops, time is of the essence)
                I miss "doing" and getting the little praises that mean so much (awe that's a true shame, you need to fix this, this is what time is for, for you!).....[/quote]

                I have reached the point where I do what I want, when I want and for the most part am responsible (although can be dissected a little, lol) Although tomorrow is there, I prefer to live for today. I suppose this really came from the dedication that I gave to everything else before myself, it is now my turn, ah alas. I love myself and believe that first and foremost you must do this before you could ever put that out there. I also conclude that if I do not expect, and therefore I will not be disappointed. Make sense?


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                • #9
                  Re: Willpower

                  I completely understand you, but feel a lot of pain still rippling under the surface. I personally am very sorry for your troubles.....I always think that they are really completely unecessary (unfortunate, yes, but not really needed to arrive at the same destination, you know?) and that women in general shouldn't be made to live their life preconditioned to compromise (from the age of 12 or so, females will forever be at least 4 years ahead of males physically, 5 years intellectually, and possibly as much as 10 years spiritually....and from then on live a life full of compromising - how much they are willing to tolerate - until the guys "get it" satisfactorily to become worthy for the affection so needing to be returned).

                  One of the most attractive traits in women is the sense of self-purpose and confidence. One of the hardest things for men is to support that continuium without prejudice or a sense of self-peril: they really are incapable of agape love until they are able to offer of themsleves freely and without reservation.
                  And....women require Agape love, not things and words as appeasement, for there is no substitute.
                  Funny thing is that especially nowadays, self-affirmation has become norm de rigur and so far from the "niche" it enjoyed just 10 years ago, mostly due to the explosion of interpersonal deceit and lack of social/personal accountability systems. Personal opinion, of course!

                  You are wonderfully you!
                  And I'll go to war on a bilnk of your eye to assert that very fact!

                  So there!
                  . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                  * Success Is Potential Realized *


                  • #10
                    Re: Willpower

                    awe - Eye's a tough cookie vasili ... I rarely dwell on what isn't. I'm a survivor, it's not so bad ... I always believe you wouldn't know what freedom was if you didn't have troubles ... how can you know happiness if you do not know unhappiness ... how is it we can know paradise if we don't know hell ... and by what scale we rate each and to decide when we've reached its full potential, all comes from ourselves, our own innerself. Can it be taught? Only lessons can be learned. It should not be a race for succession or a battle of the sexes, it is nice to feel the strength of a man, know that a man that does appease and will appease. As a woman I've learned I like protection, and I will not overpower wisdom or confidence, these can be detrimental to a relationship with a man of power. Personal opinion of course!

                    "And I'll go to war on a bilnk of your eye to assert that very fact!"
                    (Luv the strength, so there!!)


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                    • #11
                      Re: Willpower

                      two peas in a pod......STIR FRY!

                      I been catching myself always thinking of a nice cup of tea in the local shop, or a walk in the neighborhood stopping occasionally to point out the constellations.....even an pedicure appointment just before Saturday brunch....
                      . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                      * Success Is Potential Realized *


                      • #12
                        Re: Willpower

                        A great saying even coming from a gal that dislikes peas. True! My sister used to eat them for me when we were younger, under 12 say, it was great, I would eat her taters.... lol .... and when she wasn't around, they would go behind the fridge, lol .... oh my .... my mother was too "Pee ved" .... lol

                        Tea & Stars .... a de"lightful" brunch of treats, fan favorites.


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                        • #13
                          Re: Willpower

                          Originally posted by LadyEye
                          A great saying even coming from a gal that dislikes peas. True! My sister used to eat them for me when we were younger, under 12 say, it was great, I would eat her taters.... lol .... and when she wasn't around, they would go behind the fridge, lol .... oh my .... my mother was too "Pee ved" .... lol

                          Tea & Stars .... a de"lightful" brunch of treats, fan favorites.

                          You are still quite the one to keep an eye on, eh?
                          . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                          * Success Is Potential Realized *


                          • #14
                            Re: Willpower

                            hmmm.. maybe I should've done what the woman did.. God didn't help much when I asked for help to cross the river.. Maybe I asked the wrong question: 'God, please give me a way to get to the other bank.. and oi, I really don;t mind working hard for it as long as I get there..'

                            He threw a rope at me and said: there ya go.. catch a tree on the other side and pull the other side closer.. I'm still pulling and god is still laughing..

                            And that's what many of my fello men would be experiencing too.. lmao


                            • #15
                              Re: Willpower

                              Originally posted by ez-ez
                              hmmm.. maybe I should've done what the woman did.. God didn't help much when I asked for help to cross the river.. Maybe I asked the wrong question: 'God, please give me a way to get to the other bank.. and oi, I really don;t mind working hard for it as long as I get there..'

                              He threw a rope at me and said: there ya go.. catch a tree on the other side and pull the other side closer.. I'm still pulling and god is still laughing..

                              And that's what many of my fello men would be experiencing too.. lmao
                              Carlos my dear, you keep us all laughing, god shouldn't be any different, kudos to you ..... continue to pull, but I do hope you are on the "right" side to begin with hee hee .... enjoy the "tug-of-war" .... sometimes the grass is not always greener on the other side .... but have fun trying!! lol


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