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Why websites take so long to do!

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  • Why websites take so long to do!

    My new website is taking an age to put up. I don’t seem able to get the time to do it. Here is a letter I would love to send, and maybe it will strike a chord!

    My dear son,

    I do honestly love you – I do not love my computer more.

    I do however need to spend time WORKING on my websites – it is WORK as they bring in just about enough money to pay your pocket money. Just.

    As it is WORK I do not really enjoy it, but I have to do it. I would much rather be watching inane television programmes with you. However, I have to WORK.

    When you hear burst of laughter from my room I am WORKING. I may have wandered into the Vodahost Lounge, but this is to get some tips for my WORK. Please do not come in and ask me to explain the joke.

    When I am WORKING I do not want to surf the ‘net for ideas for your Christmas present. You can do this perfectly well on your own computer. I am not interested in walk throughs of the new DS games – so please do not call me in every 30 seconds to see it. I am WORKING.

    Whilst I am happy to have the vivarium in my room, I do not want the bearded dragons crawling all over me ever time I sit down to WORK. Turning on my computer is not a signal that it is time to get the dragons out. Yes they did look cute when they scampered on the keyboard. The first time.

    When you have eventually got tired of the dragons, given up on getting me to surf Amazon etc. and have finally gone downstairs please do not keep shouting ‘Mum, when are you coming down!’ I have to WORK.

    When you were younger you had to go to bed at 8. I used to have a very quiet hour between 8 and 9 when you thought if you kept quiet I had forgotten you. Now your bedtime is 9, you seem to need my company more than you did when you were younger!

    My dear son, please give me some time to put up the website. The less you bother me, the faster it will be done. So, toodle off now and let me WORK.

    But just before I start I will pop into the Vodahost lounge!

  • #2
    Re: Why websites take so long to do!

    LOLOL Trish - It's great - and apropos for more than just your son (with some minor changes).
    A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

    SEO and Marketing Tools
    SEO - The Basics


    • #3
      Re: Why websites take so long to do!

      Hum - maybe i'll send that with few changes to my husband - and to begin with this was his idea! ann
      Ann - My Travel - Jewelry - Leather Art


      • #4
        Re: Why websites take so long to do!

        Says it all.


        • #5
          Re: Why websites take so long to do!

          lol Trish


          • #6
            Re: Why websites take so long to do!

            Trish! Wow can I relate to that letter! lol, but sad at the same time...
            Cindy Smentowski


            • #7
              Re: Why websites take so long to do!

     letter Beth said with a few amendments...I'll have to send to various family members of mi own...thanks for sharing.




              • #8
                Re: Why websites take so long to do!

                lol Trish .... Thus the reason for the "lounge" ... Have no fear, it really doesn't get any smoother in later years ... "Little kids - Little Issues" "Big Kids - Bigger Issues" ... lol I have one of those "university jocks" who is always looking for page 19 of that book (another post here in the forum) and of course when the university papers are due, he always finds his way home and is ailing from something or other, so now I am in University again, hmmm, and do I have a choice, lol ... No .... Although it seems "unfair" I believe we took on the commitment 9 months prior the birth, lol .......... lol ... I realized this early enough though, and stopped at ONE!! But you know you love them, and it's mighty darn quiet without them. And it sure is different when they come back for a few months, woooooooooooo, I feel your stress, lol!!


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