Hello to you all at Voda and users as well!
I'm a new customer (rebex.biz) located up in the far north; Sweden that is.
I found this site and it's excellent software searching the net for tools to help me create a business website for a friend. Today, I've been trying to find my way around. There are LOTS to read...
I think that it will be fairly easy to make the site using all templates, scripts, plug-ins and so on. I believe that the biggest problem will be to translate all generated text to Swedish.
Well, that's all for now.
See you soon,
Kim (xutkm)
I'm a new customer (rebex.biz) located up in the far north; Sweden that is.
I found this site and it's excellent software searching the net for tools to help me create a business website for a friend. Today, I've been trying to find my way around. There are LOTS to read...
I think that it will be fairly easy to make the site using all templates, scripts, plug-ins and so on. I believe that the biggest problem will be to translate all generated text to Swedish.
Well, that's all for now.
See you soon,
Kim (xutkm)