Am I the only one?

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  • C L

    • Jul 2006
    • 5561

    Re: Am I the only one?

    Festivals held by other religions over the holiday season
    The Jewish Festival of Lights
    Chanukah, or Hanukkah, lasts for eight days, beginning the 25th of the Hebrew month Kislev (November-December). It celebrates the victory of Judah the Maccabee over the Syrian tyrant Antiochus over 2100 years ago.
    In 165BC, after three years of war, Judah won a decisive victory over the Syrians and returned with his followers to Jerusalem to reclaimed the Temple. On their return, they could find only one small cruse of oil, enough to last one day. But when they lit the temple menorah with it, a miracle occurred and the menorah burned for eight days. Since then, the Jewish people celebrated the success of the Maccabees and the miracle of the oil.
    Each night of the festival, the family gathers around the menorah, a special candelabrum that holds eight candles. On the first night the head of the family uses a helper candle - called a shamos - to light one candle. On the second night, two candles are lit, and so on, until all eight candles are lit on the eighth night. Each night, gifts are given. In some families, children play games with a small four-sided wooden top called at dreidel. On each side of the top is one letter of NGHS, or Nes Godol Hoyoh Shom, which means "A great miracle happened there." Hanukkah means "dedication."
    Muslims around the world celebrate Ramadan, which marks the month the prophet Mohammed is believed to have had their holy book, the Koran, revealed to him by God. Ramadan is the 9th month of the Islamic lunar calendar, being 11 to 12 days shorter than the Gregorian calendar. The celebration starts at the first sighting of the moon in Ramadan. This year, Ramadan happens to fall over the Christmas period.
    Muslims cannot eat and drink at all in the daytime during this period, breaking their fast only when the sun sets and again before the sun rises, sharing special Ramadan treats, such as Konafa, an Egyptian dessert made of shredded wheat and syrup, or Katayef, sweets stuffed with nuts. They also eat dates (iftar) which, according to Islamic teachings, were eaten by Mohammed at the end of each day of the fasting month. The days are spent in prayer and reflection.
    The fast ends with the celebration of Eid al-Fitr, the festival of the breaking of the fast. Some Muslim governments grant amnesties to political and other prisoners on this day.

    Kwanzaa is a cultural festival during which African Americans celebrate and reflect upon their heritage as the products of two worlds. It begins 26th December and lasts for seven days.
    Kwanzaa was founded in 1966 by Dr. Maulana "Ron" Karenga, a college professor and African American leader. He studied the festivals of many African groups of people and decided that the new holiday should be a harvest or "first fruits." Kwanzaa is a Kiswahili word meaning "the first fruits of the harvest."
    The 25th December also is considered to be the birthday of the Hindu god, Krishna, as well as Mithra, the Greek god of light.
    The annual Tree Festival, which had long been celebrated in Northern Europe before the Christian era, is still celebrated among nature-based faiths such as Wicca.

    There used to be a Festival of Madmen on Christmas day, when servants became masters and masters servants for the day.

    Festival of the ass
    In the Middle Ages, the Festival of the Ass was held on Christmas Eve, recalling Joseph and Mary's flight into Egypt. A young girl with babe in her arms entered the church riding an ass or donkey. During mass, all the prayers ended with "hee-haw." The Catholic Church banned the celebrations because of its sacrilegious character.

    Spanish: Feliz Navidad


    • C L

      • Jul 2006
      • 5561

      Re: Am I the only one?

      A Dog's Rules For Christmas

      1. Be especially patient with your humans during this time. They may appear to be more stressed-out than usual and they will appreciate long comforting dog leans.
      2. They may come home with large bags of things they call gifts. Do not assume that all the gifts are yours.
      3. Be tolerant if your humans put decorations on you. They seem to get some special kind of pleasure out of seeing how you look with fake antlers.
      4. They may bring a large tree into the house and set it up in a prominent place and cover it with lights and decorations. Bizarre as this may seem to you, it is an important ritual for your humans, so there are some things you need to know:
      a. Don't pee on the tree
      b. Don't drink water in the container that holds the tree
      c. Mind your tail when you are near the tree
      d. If there are packages under the tree, even ones that smell interesting or that have your name on them, don't rip them open
      e. Don't chew on the cord that runs from the funny-looking hole in the wall to the tree
      5. Your humans may occasionally invite lots of strangers to come visit during this season. These parties can be lots of fun, but they also call for some discretion on your part:
      a. Not all strangers appreciate kisses and leans
      b. Don't eat off the buffet table
      c. Beg for goodies subtly
      d. Be pleasant, even if unknowing strangers sit on your sofa
      e. Don't drink out of glasses that are left within your reach
      6. Likewise, your humans may take you visiting. Here your manners will also be important:
      a. Observe all the rules in #4 for trees that may be in other people's houses. (4a is particularly important)
      b. Respect the territory of other animals that may live in the house
      c. Tolerate children
      d. Turn on your charm big time 7. A big man with a white beard and a very loud laugh may emerge from your fireplace in the middle of the night.
      DON'T BITE HIM!!

      Japanese: Shinnen omedeto. Kurisumasu Omedeto


      • C L

        • Jul 2006
        • 5561

        Re: Am I the only one?

        Letter From Santa
        Dear Friends
        I have been watching you very closely to see if you have been good this year, and since you have, I will be telling my elves to make some goodies for me to leave under your tree at Christmas. I was going to bring you all the gifts from the "Twelve Days of Christmas", but we had a little problem up here.
        The twelve fiddlers fiddling, have all come down with VD from fiddling with the ten ladies dancing. The eleven lords a leaping have knocked up the eight maids a milking, and the nine pipers playing, have been arrested for doing weird things to the seven swans a swimming. The six geese a laying, four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree, have me up to my ass in bird ****. On top of all this, Mrs. Clause is going through menopause, eight of my reindeer are in heat, the elves have joined The Gay Liberation Front, and those dumb Newfoundlanders have scheduled Christmas for the 5th Of February.

        Sincerely, Santa

        Swedish: God Jul and (Och) Ett Gott Nytt År


        • C L

          • Jul 2006
          • 5561

          Re: Am I the only one?

          Rudolph's Revenge.........

          French: Joyeux Noel
          Attached Files


          • Mook25
            Brigadier General

            • Oct 2005
            • 1427

            Re: Am I the only one?

            I feel like the christmas scrooge when it comes to christmas as i would quite happily let it pass me by. I really don't enjoy it half as much as i used to. Too much stress, too much money etc etc.

            I can understand doing it for children but when there's only adults in the family why is it neccessary to buy presents??? Why can't we just meet up have a christmas dinner etc but maybe instead of all buying presents just put some money towards the xmas dinner!?!?!?!

            I really do feel quite pressured into buying at christmas as the rest of my family is really into it still and think christmas is nothing without buying each other a present.

            Oh well it's come round so fast this year it'll be summer before we know it again. Ba humbug!!!! lol
            Arcade Ninja - Free Flash Arcade
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            • allstarfaces
              Brigadier General

              • Apr 2006
              • 1665

              Re: Am I the only one?

              look i havnt even read any of the posts here so i mite be talkin rubbish but let me say that i for one always do the scrooge thing, say i cant wait for it to go, costs to much, its all commer******ed, its for kids an not me, all those rubbish depressing things but to be real realy realy honest isnt it the onlytime of the year when most people even bad boys , dealers etc actuelly are nice to one and another even if its a little bit more of a smile from people, the whole spirit of it is a little tiny thing that goes on inside us all despite what religion we are , its a time for all to come together in our minds not literaly so for one i deep deep deep down some where am glad of a couple of days where we can all feel a little bit better about life, i challenge any one not to have a little smile at least once over christmas and you cant realy say that about any other time of the miserable year

              give a thought to the soldiers in iraq at this time of year and consider ourselves lucky to be alive

              isnt that what it was supposed to be about?????
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              • Mook25
                Brigadier General

                • Oct 2005
                • 1427

                Re: Am I the only one?

                It's just as you say, it's too commer******ed. I'd be happy to take away all the **** and tackyness and just get back to the original christmas meaning. Being together, having a good time and forgiving.
                Arcade Ninja - Free Flash Arcade
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                • Vaynloc

                  • Jul 2006
                  • 34

                  Re: Am I the only one?

                  Am I the only one that wonders why if it's Jesus' Birthday, why do I buy gifts for other people?


                  • C L

                    • Jul 2006
                    • 5561

                    Re: Am I the only one?

                    No, not Scrooge to dislike the commercialization of Christmas, the hussle & bussle of things.

                    The meaning of Christmas is what you want it to mean.

                    In this thread, there are many different opinions on Christmas and what it should or shouldn't be, but as DreamLady said.....find and discover what works for you, and Bluegrass who also don't have to participate.......

                    It's kinda sad when people can't find one thing to be happy about, and as Allstars says it is the one time a year that some people do make an effort to enjoy that little moment.

                    I am saying Happy Holidays each day, hoping that it may be a little moment for someone. Take care

                    Czech: Prejeme Vam Vesele Vanoce a stastny Novy Rok


                    • C L

                      • Jul 2006
                      • 5561

                      Re: Am I the only one?

                      Dear Santa letters

                      Dear Santa,
                      I wud like a kool toy space ranjur fer Xmas. Iv ben a gud boy all yeer.
                      Yer Frend,

                      Dear Billy,
                      Nice spelling. You're on your way to a career in lawn care. How about I send you a frigging book so you can learn to read and write? I'm giving your older brother the space ranger. At least HE can spell!

                      Dear Santa,
                      I have been a good girl all year, and the only thing I ask for is peace and joy in the world for everybody!

                      Dear Sarah,
                      Your parents smoked pot when they had you, didn't they?

                      Dear Santa,
                      I don't know if you can do this, but for Christmas, I'd like for my mommy and daddy to get back together. Please see what you can do.

                      Dear Teddy,
                      Look, your dad's banging the babysitter like a screen door in a hurricane. Do you think he's gonna give that up to come back to your frigid, fat mom, who rides his ass constantly? It's time to give up that dream. Let me get you some nice Legos instead. Maybe you can build yourself a family with those?

                      Dear Santa,
                      I want a new bike, a ***********, a train, some G.I. Joes, a dog, a drum kit, a pony and a tuba.

                      Dear Francis,
                      Who names their kid "Francis" nowadays? I bet you're gay.

                      Dear Santa,
                      I left milk and cookies for you under the tree, and I left carrots for your reindeer outside the back door.

                      Dear Susan,
                      Milk gives me the ****s and carrots make the deer fart in my face when riding in the sleigh. You want to do me a favor? Two words, Jim Beam.

                      Dear Santa,
                      What do you do the other 364 days of the year? Are you busy making toys?
                      Your friend,

                      Dear Thomas,
                      All the toys are made by little kids like you in China Every year I give them a slice of bread as a Christmas bonus. I have a condo in Vegas, where I spend most of my time making low-budget porno films. I unwind by drinking myself silly and squeezing the asses of cocktail waitresses while losing money at the ****s table.

                      P.S. Tell your mom she got the part.
                      Long Dong Claus,

                      Dear Santa,
                      Do you see us when we're sleeping, do you really know when we're awake, like in the song?

                      Dear Jessica,
                      Are you really that gullible? Good luck in whatever you do. I'm skipping your house.

                      Dear Santa,
                      I really really want a puppy this year. Please please please PLEASE PLEASE could I have one?

                      That whiney begging **** may work with your folks, but that **** doesn't work with me. You're getting an ugly sweater again.

                      Dearest Santa,
                      We don't have a chimney in our house, how do you get into our home?

                      First, stop calling yourself "Marky", that's why you're getting your ass kicked at school. Second, you don't live in a house, you live in a low-rent, ghetto apartment complex. Third, I get inside your pad just like all the burglars do, through your bedroom window.
                      Sweet Dreams,

                      Korean: Sung Tan Chuk Ha


                      • C L

                        • Jul 2006
                        • 5561

                        Re: Am I the only one?

                        I'm sure everyone will be happy to hear that this will be the last post wishing Happy

                        Merry Christmas from around the world, have a good one!

                        Afrikaans: Gesëende Kersfees
                        Afrikander: Een Plesierige Kerfees
                        African/ Eritrean/ Tigrinja: Rehus-Beal-Ledeats
                        Albanian:Gezur Krislinjden
                        Arabic: Milad Majid
                        Argentine: Feliz Navidad
                        Armenian: Shenoraavor Nor Dari yev Pari Gaghand
                        Azeri: Tezze Iliniz Yahsi Olsun
                        Bahasa Malaysia: Selamat Hari Natal
                        Basque: Zorionak eta Urte Berri On!
                        Bengali: Shuvo Naba Barsha
                        Bohemian: Vesele Vanoce
                        Brazilian: Feliz Natal
                        Breton: Nedeleg laouen na bloavezh mat
                        Bulgarian: Tchestita Koleda; Tchestito Rojdestvo Hristovo
                        Catalan: Bon Nadal i un Bon Any Nou!
                        Chile: Feliz Navidad
                        Chinese: (Cantonese) Gun Tso Sun Tan'Gung Haw Sun
                        Chinese: (Mandarin) Kung His Hsin Nien bing Chu Shen Tan (Catonese) Gun Tso Sun Tan'Gung Haw Sun
                        Choctaw: Yukpa, Nitak Hollo Chito
                        Columbia: Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo
                        Cornish: Nadelik looan na looan blethen noweth
                        Corsian: Pace e salute
                        Crazanian: Rot Yikji Dol La Roo
                        Cree: Mitho Makosi Kesikansi
                        Croatian: Sretan Bozic
                        Czech: Prejeme Vam Vesele Vanoce a stastny Novy Rok
                        Danish: Glædelig Jul
                        Duri: Christmas-e- Shoma Mobarak
                        Dutch: Vrolijk Kerstfeest en een Gelukkig Nieuwjaar! or Zalig Kerstfeast
                        English: Merry Christmas
                        Eskimo: (inupik) Jutdlime pivdluarit ukiortame pivdluaritlo!
                        Esperanto: Gajan Kristnaskon
                        Estonian: Ruumsaid juulup|hi
                        Ethiopian: (Amharic) Melkin Yelidet Beaal
                        Faeroese: Gledhilig jol og eydnurikt nyggjar!
                        Farsi: Cristmas-e-shoma mobarak bashad
                        Finnish: Hyvaa joulua
                        Flemish: Zalig Kerstfeest en Gelukkig nieuw jaar
                        French: Joyeux Noel
                        Frisian: Noflike Krystdagen en in protte Lok en Seine yn it Nije Jier!
                        Galician: Bo Nada
                        Gaelic: Nollaig chridheil agus Bliadhna mhath ùr! German: Froehliche Weihnachten
                        Greek: Kala Christouyenna!
                        Haiti: (Creole) Jwaye Nowel or to Jesus Edo Bri'cho o Rish D'Shato Brichto
                        Hausa: Barka da Kirsimatikuma Barka da Sabuwar Shekara!
                        Hawaiian: Mele Kalikimaka
                        Hebrew: Mo'adim Lesimkha. Chena tova
                        Hindi: Shub Naya Baras
                        Hausa: Barka da Kirsimatikuma Barka da Sabuwar Shekara!
                        Hawaian: Mele Kalikimaka ame Hauoli Makahiki Hou!
                        Hungarian: Kellemes Karac****i unnepeket
                        Icelandic: Gledileg Jol
                        Indonesian: Selamat Hari Natal
                        Iraqi: Idah Saidan Wa Sanah Jadidah
                        Irish: Nollaig Shona Dhuit, or Nodlaig mhaith chugnat
                        Iroquois: Ojenyunyat Sungwiyadeson honungradon nagwutut. Ojenyunyat osrasay.
                        Italian: Buone Feste Natalizie
                        Japanese: Shinnen omedeto. Kurisumasu Omedeto
                        Jiberish: Mithag Crithagsigathmithags
                        Korean: Sung Tan Chuk Ha
                        Lao: souksan van Christmas
                        Latin: Natale hilare et Annum Faustum!
                        Latvian: Prieci'gus Ziemsve'tkus un Laimi'gu Jauno Gadu!
                        Lausitzian:Wjesole hody a strowe nowe leto
                        Lettish: Priecigus Ziemassvetkus
                        Lithuanian: Linksmu Kaledu
                        Low Saxon: Heughliche Winachten un 'n moi Nijaar
                        Macedonian: Sreken Bozhik
                        Maltese: IL-Milied It-tajjeb
                        Manx: Nollick ghennal as blein vie noa
                        Maori: Meri Kirihimete
                        Marathi: Shub Naya Varsh
                        Navajo: Merry Keshmish
                        Norwegian: God Jul, or Gledelig Jul
                        Occitan: Pulit nadal e bona annado
                        Papiamento: Bon Pasco
                        Papua New Guinea: Bikpela hamamas blong dispela Krismas na Nupela yia i go long yu
                        Pennsylvania German: En frehlicher Grischtdaag un en hallich Nei Yaahr!
                        Peru: Feliz Navidad y un Venturoso Año Nuevo
                        Philipines: Maligayan Pasko!
                        Polish: Wesolych Swiat Bozego Narodzenia or Boze Narodzenie
                        Portuguese:Feliz Natal
                        Pushto: Christmas Aao Ne-way Kaal Mo Mobarak Sha
                        Rapa-Nui (Easter Island): Mata-Ki-Te-Rangi. Te-Pito-O-Te-Henua
                        Rhetian: Bellas festas da nadal e bun onn
                        Romanche: (sursilvan dialect): Legreivlas fiastas da Nadal e bien niev onn!
                        Rumanian: Sarbatori vesele
                        Russian: Pozdrevlyayu s prazdnikom Rozhdestva is Novim Godom
                        Sami: Buorrit Juovllat
                        Samoan: La Maunia Le Kilisimasi Ma Le Tausaga Fou
                        Sardinian: Bonu nadale e prosperu annu nou
                        Serbian: Hristos se rodi
                        Slovakian: Sretan Bozic or Vesele vianoce
                        Sami: Buorrit Juovllat
                        Samoan: La Maunia Le Kilisimasi Ma Le Tausaga Fou
                        Scots Gaelic: Nollaig chridheil huibh
                        Serb-Croatian: Sretam Bozic. Vesela Nova Godina
                        Serbian: Hristos se rodi.
                        Singhalese: Subha nath thalak Vewa. Subha Aluth Awrudhak Vewa
                        Slovak: Vesele Vianoce. A stastlivy Novy Rok
                        Slovene: Vesele Bozicne Praz**** Srecno Novo Leto or Vesel Bozic in srecno Novo leto
                        Spanish: Feliz Navidad
                        Swedish: God Jul and (Och) Ett Gott Nytt År
                        Tagalog: Maligayamg Pasko. Masaganang Bagong Taon
                        Tami: Nathar Puthu Varuda Valthukkal
                        Trukeese: (Micronesian) Neekiriisimas annim oo iyer seefe feyiyeech!
                        Thai: Sawadee Pee Mai or souksan wan Christmas
                        Turkish: Noeliniz Ve Yeni Yiliniz Kutlu Olsun
                        Ukrainian: Srozhdestvom Kristovym
                        Urdu: Naya Saal Mubarak Ho
                        Vietnamese: Chung Mung Giang Sinh
                        Welsh: Nadolig Llawen
                        Yugoslavian: Cestitamo Bozic
                        Yoruba: E ku odun, e ku iye'dun!

                        "The Night Before Christmas"

                        (A Visit From St. Nicholas)
                        Clement Clarke Moore

                        'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
                        Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
                        The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
                        In hopes that ST. NICHOLAS soon would be there;
                        The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
                        While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads;
                        And mamma in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap,
                        Had just settled down for a long winter's nap,
                        When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
                        I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
                        Away to the window I flew like a flash,
                        Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.
                        The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
                        Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below,
                        When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
                        But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer,
                        With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
                        I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.
                        More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
                        And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;
                        "Now, DASHER! now, DANCER! now, PRANCER and VIXEN!
                        On, COMET! on CUPID! on, DONDER and BLITZEN!
                        To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
                        Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!"
                        As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
                        When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky,
                        So up to the house-top the coursers they flew,
                        With the sleigh full of toys, and St. Nicholas too.
                        And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
                        The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
                        As I drew in my hand, and was turning around,
                        Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound.
                        He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
                        And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot;
                        A bundle of toys he had flung on his back,
                        And he looked like a peddler just opening his pack.
                        His eyes -- how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!
                        His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
                        His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
                        And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow;
                        The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
                        And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath;
                        He had a broad face and a little round belly,
                        That shook, when he laughed like a bowlful of jelly.
                        He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
                        And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself;
                        A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
                        Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread;
                        He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
                        And filled all the stockings; then turned with a jerk,
                        And laying his finger aside of his nose,
                        And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose;
                        He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
                        And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
                        But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight,
                        "HAPPY CHRISTMAS TO ALL, AND TO ALL A GOOD-NIGHT."
                        Attached Files


                        • LadyEye
                          General & Forum Moderator

                          • Jun 2006
                          • 10526

                          Re: Am I the only one?

                          That's a pretty ornament CL .... swoop, got it ....

                          You should be posting your christmas pages from your site, for others to enjoy .... I forget the link ???


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