It's Snowing!

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  • limebrook1
    Brigadier General

    • Jun 2005
    • 1583

    Re: It's Snowing!

    Originally posted by Girlonthehill
    LOL My seventeen year old Godson has never seen enough snow to build a big fat snowman - you know the ones where you roll a ball of snow around the park and grows really huge? He build a real skinny one once but it melted before the day was out. The kids would wonder what hit them if we had a really big snowfall. It was kinda nice though. Lol
    Why don't we get snow like that anymore? My son's 12 and he's never seen a really decent fall of snow - today was about the best, but it was only a couple of inches. Do you remember when it used to be so deep you could hardly walk? Falling into snowdrifts - lovely! Must be getting old.


    • darklight
      Brigadier General

      • Jul 2006
      • 1309

      Re: It's Snowing!

      lmao!! Kids were doing that here! they were taller than me! totally wow! Tomorrow, if its still here, Im calling up friends and going to the park. I love snow but I dont like the idea of running around the park on my own lol.


      • Girlonthehill

        • Oct 2005
        • 4193

        Re: It's Snowing!

        Originally posted by limebrook1
        Why don't we get snow like that anymore? My son's 12 and he's never seen a really decent fall of snow - today was about the best, but it was only a couple of inches. Do you remember when it used to be so deep you could hardly walk? Falling into snowdrifts - lovely! Must be getting old.
        Global warming.

        Yeppers, do I remember. In 1981 (I think) I remember waking up and there being snow up to the roofline of our house! (It was a drift because of where our house was situated). Elsewhere it was between two to four feet. The ploughs came out and everyone went to school and work. In fact, I don't remember my school ever closing because of snow! And you shoulda seen the flippin' hill we had to walk up to get to school! The snow didn't melt until May that year. Brrrrrrrrrrrr. Lol


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        • Girlonthehill

          • Oct 2005
          • 4193

          Re: It's Snowing!

          Originally posted by darklight
          lmao!! Kids were doing that here! they were taller than me! totally wow! Tomorrow, if its still here, Im calling up friends and going to the park. I love snow but I dont like the idea of running around the park on my own lol.
          Aww, I hope it lasts for you. You go and have fun in the park. You never know when it'll happen again.


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          • darklight
            Brigadier General

            • Jul 2006
            • 1309

            Re: It's Snowing!

            Originally posted by Girlonthehill
            Aww, I hope it lasts for you. You go and have fun in the park. You never know when it'll happen again.
            Yeah true true.. While I'm still in my teens ;) *thinks* AHHH I only have 3 weeks left as a teen!! no fair lol.


            • bill2006
              Lieutenant General

              • May 2006
              • 3421

              Re: It's Snowing!

              Originally posted by larazovich
              I feel like a real weenie here in San Francisco. It go down to 48 degrees last night, and should sit right around 54/5 today.. but it is cold for us, and the dang furnace quit yesterday!
              Got a repair guy coming this morning, and meanwhile we are bundling up and drinking Bill's wonderful tea..
              The English word "lovely" applies! Glad you are enjoying it. Wait til you try the Cardamom.

              Very strange weather this year. No snow, 20ºF about -6ºC and sunny.


              • choco777
                Brigadier General

                • Apr 2006
                • 1526

                Re: It's Snowing!

                The idea of snow sounds great! it is 90F here and 81 relative humidity Veryyyyyyyyyyy muggie and hot. But tha is winter here, never below 75f and not to frequently does it drop below 80F.


                • Neale
                  Staff Sergeant

                  • Jan 2006
                  • 45

                  Re: It's Snowing!

                  Lucky you!!! Having snow - out here in Vietnam it is 34 degrees celcius so I don't expect I'll be seeing any snow for a while. Haven't seen any rain for about 3 months either. Hope you all keep safe in the snow in dear old Blighty.



                  • Neale
                    Staff Sergeant

                    • Jan 2006
                    • 45

                    Re: It's Snowing!

                    Just a quick note to Girlonthehill,

                    I used to live in Marsden and used to travel regularly "overt'hill" to sunny Rochdale, I say sunny because if it was raining in Marsden it was usually sunny in Rochdale lol


                    • LadyEye
                      General & Forum Moderator

                      • Jun 2006
                      • 10526

                      Re: It's Snowing!

                      Far too cold to snow here ........ hmm, I can't decide what is worse ... 75cm to shovel or -20ish ...

                      Wouldn't mind having some of your choices Choco ... I think I'm ready for a sweat, and not one from the flu, had that, and not a sweater either, have that too, .... just a good old fashioned sweat ... lol ... would thaw the toes u know.


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                      • Girlonthehill

                        • Oct 2005
                        • 4193

                        Re: It's Snowing!

                        Originally posted by Neale
                        Just a quick note to Girlonthehill,

                        I used to live in Marsden and used to travel regularly "overt'hill" to sunny Rochdale, I say sunny because if it was raining in Marsden it was usually sunny in Rochdale lol
                        LOL Well whoda thunk it? You all the way over there in HCM City knowing Rochdale! Lol We didn't get any snow at all yesterday! Half the country ground to a halt but we didn't get a sniff. Lol You must have picked good days to cross the Pennines, Neale! I used to live in Middleton and had line of site to Winter Hill (over Bolton way) and we'd say if you can't see the hill, it's raining and if you can then it's about to rain. Lol It's proper wet up 'ere, that's for sure.

                        I think I'd rather cold and wet that the oppressive mugginess that you'll have down there. Phew.


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                        • darklight
                          Brigadier General

                          • Jul 2006
                          • 1309

                          Re: It's Snowing!

                          The snow hasnt melted and we expect more today. wooo! lol


                          • Lincslady
                            Brigadier General

                            • Jan 2006
                            • 1397

                            Re: It's Snowing!

                            Its just wet here, I grew up in Newcastle, I remember going for the bus to get to work, knee deep in snow, when I was 16 wearing 2 pairs of me dads socks and wellies!
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                            • darklight
                              Brigadier General

                              • Jul 2006
                              • 1309

                              Re: It's Snowing!

                              ^Lol aww Its coming down heavy again!


                              • darklight
                                Brigadier General

                                • Jul 2006
                                • 1309

                                Re: It's Snowing!

                                Originally posted by Girlonthehill
                                LOL My seventeen year old Godson has never seen enough snow to build a big fat snowman - you know the ones where you roll a ball of snow around the park and grows really huge? He build a real skinny one once but it melted before the day was out. The kids would wonder what hit them if we had a really big snowfall. It was kinda nice though. Lol
                                When driving past the park this is what you see over here:

                                Its big!!! lol

