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Yes Choco and Terri, they can be dangerous, apparently they are one of the dumbest animals, they will charge you, jump up on your car, and if you hit one on them broadside on the highway, it will damage alot, vehicles have been written off, and in some cases fatalities. In the province of Newfoundland the moose are very plentiful and there are plenty of vehicle and truck accidents. The moose will just stand broadside in the road. They can be huge. This is much the same in Maine, USA I believe. In fact they say that you should not drive after dark through certain areas of Newfoundland, or you'd be certain to hit a moose. In fact, truckers install a "Moose Header" on the front of their truck so that their truck doesn't get damaged when they hit these moose so often.
You should read the book
Antlers in the Treetop, written by Who Goosed the Moose .... lol
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