Children VS Pets?

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  • arve

    • Feb 2007
    • 30

    Re: Children VS Pets?

    I do not have your problem=No wife no problem!


    • C L

      • Jul 2006
      • 5561

      Re: Children VS Pets?

      Originally posted by darklight
      LOL, Learnt that from my mum and sister ;) lol
      Your mum and sister.......are clever


      • C L

        • Jul 2006
        • 5561

        Re: Children VS Pets?

        Originally posted by Dream Lady
        omg Robyn!! let's see...decisions, decisions. been there, done that with both, so how about NEITHER! lol Actually another choice would be hubby. Now if you threw in my hubbys clutter, I can tell you he would be the first to go!! (This is an actual picture of his stuff before he went out of town and the second picture the day he came back) Yes, I decided to clean the garage and rented a 30yard dumpster. Took me 5 days to throw all of his stuff away! He didn't balk to much, because he knew it was either his stuff, or HIM! lol

        Before Cleaning...Ceiling to Floor, front to back...stacked with stuff

        After cleaning: Wa La ! One double car garage turned into a his and hers side with cabinets down the middle! My side is the bigger side. I figured if I gave him less room, he couldn't clutter so much. This was 1 year ago. Today??? His side is all cluttered again. Myside is clean. I love this 50/50 marriage stuff! lol
        No way!

        This is a before and after picture.............I don't believe ya? Is this the same room? Jeez.........I'm in with the rest..........I need to hire da woman Cindy! Now you have to do it again? Make his spot even smaller this time.


        • C L

          • Jul 2006
          • 5561

          Re: Children VS Pets?

          Originally posted by arve
          ME,MY SELF AND I
          I do not have your problem=No wife no problem!

          No wife you probably have one big room of clutter you walk over and don't Just kiddn'


          • arve

            • Feb 2007
            • 30

            Re: Children VS Pets?

            C L
            That's right(haha)


            • racefan20
              Major General

              • Jul 2005
              • 2335

              Re: Children VS Pets?

              Women are cruel. I mean seriously, a few feet of clutter and you want to get rid of it when we aren't looking?

              You are aware that it takes us guys years to accumulate all that, right? And even though we don't have a vague memory of what might have been in there, it's still very painful seeing it all disappear. This, ladies, is the reason beer exists; to help us guys numb ourselves to this whole process.

              It's also the reason I'm not married and only share my house with a cat - as long as he has food and water, he doesn't give a **** how much crud he has to wade through to get to it.

              Don't get me wrong, I love women and I'd love to be married again someday, but that ain't gonna happen until God sends me a woman who won't point out my faults all the time. I think I'm gonna die single. LOL
              My NASCAR Forum


              • Dream Lady
                Major General

                • Feb 2006
                • 2036

                Re: Children VS Pets?

                Hi Racefan! Nice to see your smiling face every now and then!! You are the smart one..not being married (in my opinion), especially to someone like me! I use to participate on a forum for people with OCPD and my particular tatics in dealing with my hubby, did not go over well on that forum. lol....I was RIGHTFULLY subject to alot of crticism for throwing his stuff away like I do. I'm mean and I admit it. lol Now, if my husband only drank beer in order to numb himself from my domestic organization skills, maybe that would help him with this painful process. Actually he has always taken this very well. People who have OCPD, and who recogonize it and accept it, actually don't like this particular personality trait about themselves, but their brains are wired such, it's like they just can't throw anything out. I'm talking about a real horder not a collector, there is a big difference. Hubby actually appreciates it when I "CLEAN" as long as I tell him where it is. I try to be careful about what I throw away, but if it doesn't work or isn't being used within a's gone. LOL And actually, I drink the beer to numb myself when I start cleaning!!! lmao
                Cindy Smentowski


                • C L

                  • Jul 2006
                  • 5561

                  Re: Children VS Pets?

                  lol Race...........

                  Are you taking your clutter & beer with you.........

                  lol Cindy

                  You are a thoughtful cleaner.........still can't believe your before and after pic, that's very good work.


                  • larazovich

                    • Jul 2006
                    • 5811

                    Re: Children VS Pets?

                    Originally posted by Dream Lady
                    Hi Racefan! Nice to see your smiling face every now and then!! You are the smart one..not being married (in my opinion), especially to someone like me! I use to participate on a forum for people with OCPD and my particular tatics in dealing with my hubby, did not go over well on that forum. lol....I was RIGHTFULLY subject to alot of crticism for throwing his stuff away like I do. I'm mean and I admit it. lol Now, if my husband only drank beer in order to numb himself from my domestic organization skills, maybe that would help him with this painful process. Actually he has always taken this very well. People who have OCPD, and who recogonize it and accept it, actually don't like this particular personality trait about themselves, but their brains are wired such, it's like they just can't throw anything out. I'm talking about a real horder not a collector, there is a big difference. Hubby actually appreciates it when I "CLEAN" as long as I tell him where it is. I try to be careful about what I throw away, but if it doesn't work or isn't being used within a's gone. LOL And actually, I drink the beer to numb myself when I start cleaning!!! lmao
                    I come from a long line of hoarders, and struggled with it for years.
                    Now I have sort of drifted over to the other side of the spectrum, and have turned hyperorganized.
                    I love being able to find things; what a concept!
                    I do find, however, that if I find things starting to pile up.. I get depressed, and having a goog clean out makes me feel better.. my family thinks I have gone off the deep end..LOL

                    Ring the bells that still can ring


                    • C L

                      • Jul 2006
                      • 5561

                      Re: Children VS Pets?

                      Hey Liz..........I'm right there, I am a clutterbug, I can always make something out of something, my arts room...........whooa! Messy, messy and when I make something...........hmmm big mess! I have 2 rooms like this and I clean them every so often, but they go right back to clutter looking as soon as I start painting or building whatever. So it's not just Funny to rib them about it though.


                      • larazovich

                        • Jul 2006
                        • 5811

                        Re: Children VS Pets?

                        But you know what is the coolest part about it?

                        When you are painting or building or creating something and it is in process and all over the place and you look at it and think oh god what have I done..... and then inspiration strikes and you dive in and stuff starts flying everywhere, and hours pass unnoticed, and then, viola! a wonderful thing is built/drawn/painted/created and suddenly there is no mess anymore, just this wonderful thing you did..
                        aaaahhhhhh how cool is that!

                        Ring the bells that still can ring


                        • C L

                          • Jul 2006
                          • 5561

                          Re: Children VS Pets?

                          Yep tis true about the time........and somethings, I amaze The neighbours.........oh dear, wonder what they think sometimes. Guillotines, stockades, mascots (I wear a gas mask) lol, stone walls, etc, etc..........all different stuff.


                          • larazovich

                            • Jul 2006
                            • 5811

                            Re: Children VS Pets?

                            LOL must be a sight -- a witch in a gas mask!!

                            Ring the bells that still can ring


                            • sib4you

                              • Feb 2007
                              • 1

                              Re: Children VS Pets?

                              hi every one


                              • arve

                                • Feb 2007
                                • 30

                                Re: Children VS Pets?

                                A witch in gas mask. i have seeing a lot in my life but................
                                i must go to the pub now and take a fast beer to cool down before my fantasy runs far away
                                Arve Thornes


