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Thinking about *****'s new phone too? ( seem to be our resident "gadget guy")
Haha Eric! .. I love my gadgets, I have every possible console there is except the Wii. It isn't just for gaming - which in fact I do not use most offen for that, it has many other features you might be impressed of!
.. it all has a heavy price tag in the end, haha! .. but the ******, it costs 600 - 1000$ and since I am Canadien resident, don't think it will be coming here for an other year or two because it works on different networks.
I'm really wanting to get one but think i might wait for it to come down in price a bit first. What's the gameplay and graphics like Jeremy?
The graphics are way better than the **** 360, the 360 only offers better game play meaning their online network and the better games and the fact that it is Microsoft, haha
The PS3 has many features to offer like the new 'BlueRay' etc.
Haha! .. I was lucky, since I live in a small town, we only got like 5, so I was one of them.
I only have Tony Hawk Project 8 and Motor Storm. I only got it for the new release coming out in November called 'home' .. great advertisement oppertunity for that.
Haha, maybe go look on eBay, I get most of all my stuff there, I bought my **** 360 brand new at Sears, but then I bought all my accessories on eBay .. great deals on there.
it'll probably be £100 les in a few months. lol Apparently they've really messed up on it and are having to sell at a lower price than it actually cost to make it. OOpsie!!
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