Re: THE OFFICER'S CLUB II - A Place To Gather Daily
MULLED WINE OMG I never had this Christimas. sigh
and oio i my spelling is muchos perfectos there see that spanish too eh! eh!!!! and canadian hahaha. rocdk on!
Hey uvasili, pull uip a chair and havea dwink with us! hahaa
ignoret he slapping with brown bread. tis all good ahahaha you can clear up the crumbs!
MULLED WINE OMG I never had this Christimas. sigh
and oio i my spelling is muchos perfectos there see that spanish too eh! eh!!!! and canadian hahaha. rocdk on!
Hey uvasili, pull uip a chair and havea dwink with us! hahaa
ignoret he slapping with brown bread. tis all good ahahaha you can clear up the crumbs!