Starbucks Shuns US Soldiers in Iraq??

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  • Vasili

    • Mar 2006
    • 14683

    Starbucks Shuns US Soldiers in Iraq??

    I received an email copied from an actual email reply Starbucks sent to a soldier currently on duty in Iraq explaining that although they appreciated the "loyalty" toward their brand, they refused to supply our Servicemembers in any way, shape or form with a simple taste from home.....

    Apparently, a group of soldiers made an official request to Starbucks that they might somehow make way to make available to the Company Supply a regular amount of ground coffee so our proud soldiers could savor a familiar taste from home, and emailed it to Starbucks Corporate after finding all attempts to purchase individually at the online Starbucks store "unable to process."

    Starbucks replied that although they "appreciated the loyalty toward our Brand and completely understood the sentiment" of wanting to have some simple joy in sharing a familiar 'taste of home' while serving our country in Iraq, Starbucks would not consider supplying, serving, or shipping any of their products to anyone anywhere in Iraq, ever, due to the official Starbuck position that the War in Iraq was unjust, unfair to the Iraqi people, and nothing but a political shame being propagated by a dishonest President and a self-serving Congress.

    Now.....for those that know me, I am not one to fuel political debate or instigate dribble here in VodaLand, but this really struck me as unmitigated gall and smacked full of total ****, especially when they use terms such as 'loyalty" and "sentiment" to take such a pompous position to deny our worthy sons, daughters, fathers, and mothers who are serving patriotically and with pride something so trivial as coffee and a feeling of "connection to home"!!!

    I really think this is enough to make me forever shun the Starbucks brand, and to not have second thoughts in doing so. (Again, anyone who knows me will see this as something incredibly major, as I have a famous coffee thing going on, and have always preferred Starbucks over others such as Peets and the like)

    Has anyone come across this also? Was this ever mentioned on any of the "shows" like O'Reily or something? (I don't get time to watch much TV, so I have to ask!)

    What do you think about this?
    Assuming this report is correct (and I believe it truly is)...

    Am I alone in my disgust?
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *
  • mwalsh62

    • Jul 2007
    • 426

    Re: Starbucks Shuns US Soldiers in Iraq??


    It seems this may be an old rumor. See this for more.


    • Vasili

      • Mar 2006
      • 14683

      Re: Starbucks Shuns US Soldiers in Iraq??

      Cool, Mikey! Thanks for the links --- I will send it back 'round....

      Like I said, I dunno.....but, how about my question/feeling about the lack of or diminishing support for our troops, and how disgusting it is to let politics or transitory impressions influence our hearts?

      Just yesterday, Congress has revised the policies regarding the burial of troops in the National Cemetaries, and the practices of even folding the flag and presenting it to the parents.....they will eliminate it on top of making survivors pay approximately 40% of the costs that were part of the "benefits" guaranteed to fallen soldiers for more than 100 years!

      Now you can't even be buried with the same respect once afforded....
      . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
      * Success Is Potential Realized *


      • larazovich

        • Jul 2006
        • 5811

        Re: Starbucks Shuns US Soldiers in Iraq??

        check out the Snopes account of the coffee story..

        Ring the bells that still can ring


        • Vasili

          • Mar 2006
          • 14683

          Re: Starbucks Shuns US Soldiers in Iraq??

          Did. Too much dribble for me, Liz......bantering, splitting's enough that people are dancing on a knife balde as it is.

          Any thoughts on the cutting back on burial benefits to Veterans?
          THAT is real, and to me, utterly appalling!
          . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
          * Success Is Potential Realized *


          • larazovich

            • Jul 2006
            • 5811

            Re: Starbucks Shuns US Soldiers in Iraq??

            Originally posted by Vasili View Post
            Did. Too much dribble for me, Liz......bantering, splitting's enough that people are dancing on a knife balde as it is.

            Any thoughts on the cutting back on burial benefits to Veterans?
            THAT is real, and to me, utterly appalling!
            Yep it is a drag. Huge drag.
            But that is a airly typical military snafu..
            My father died in '95, and I had to fight a part of the VA to get the survivors benefits he had arranged for my Mom for FIVE years before we finally got them. FIVE YEARS! In my mind it is inexcusable. And what if the surviving spouse is elderly and has no advocate to fight for them? Out of luck, just like that.

            Ring the bells that still can ring


            • mwalsh62

              • Jul 2007
              • 426

              Re: Starbucks Shuns US Soldiers in Iraq??

              Hi all,

              I believe that no matter what your feelings about this war, or any war, the fact of the matter is that war exists, and for as long as we must send our children to fight, we should also support them (and veterans of past conflicts) 110%!


              • C L

                • Jul 2006
                • 5561

                Re: Starbucks Shuns US Soldiers in Iraq??

                .......Such a political thread

                I don't like war myself....

                I agree with you on the burial ceremonies, men and women who fight in these wars on all sides should receive an honorable burial, it is the least we can do.

                ........I'd be casting my vote the other way.


                • larazovich

                  • Jul 2006
                  • 5811

                  Re: Starbucks Shuns US Soldiers in Iraq??

                  Originally posted by C L View Post
                  .......Such a political thread

                  I don't like war myself....

                  I agree with you on the burial ceremonies, men and women who fight in these wars on all sides should receive an honorable burial, it is the least we can do.

                  ........I'd be casting my vote the other way.
                  yeah well we didn't get to vote on this thing.. can only email and call our elected legislators and complain..

                  Ring the bells that still can ring


                  • C L

                    • Jul 2006
                    • 5561

                    Re: Starbucks Shuns US Soldiers in Iraq??

                    oh....I thought you voted in the members in congress......I'm a bit to why that decision can be passed, without the voice of the people.....too political, I'm staying out of it......



                    • Vasili

                      • Mar 2006
                      • 14683

                      Re: Starbucks Shuns US Soldiers in Iraq??

                      I thought so too, but apparently there is some time of the season they all slither out from under certain types of rocks to emerge and take their place in the stead of the people we chose....kind of like some weird "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" all hell-bent on making everyone miserable....
                      . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                      * Success Is Potential Realized *


                      • Mirelle

                        • Mar 2006
                        • 204

                        Re: Starbucks Shuns US Soldiers in Iraq??

                        Hi Vasili

                        I have both friends and family who have served in Iraq and Afganistan and let me tell you this they are all very envious as how on the whole the U.S. public supports it troops, let me tell you what happened in this so called
                        "Green and pleasant Land"..... otherwise known as England....

                        A young soldier who was badly injured serving this country was recovering in hospital, when a so called man and i use the term very loosley decided to abuse him about the war in Iraq and this is very common for our soldiers in England if the soldier had been fit and able he wouldnt have dared our returning soldiers regually march through empty streets could you imagine that happening in the states.

                        I myself am a poppy collector who is out poppying at the moment and have taken a quick break and you know what upsets me the most the amount of young men and women who walk past me as if i dont exsist and these young men and women are the same age as our troops dying or suffering horrific injuries in Iraq and Afganisitan, or the young families who dont seem to realise that if it wasnt for the past sacrifices made in both wars they wouldnt live the free and healthy life they Live now

                        No soldier believes in war they believe in fighting for there country and the U.S.A is miles ahead of this country in giving them the support they deserve i salute you America....

                        best wishes


                        • larazovich

                          • Jul 2006
                          • 5811

                          Re: Starbucks Shuns US Soldiers in Iraq??

                          Originally posted by C L View Post
                          oh....I thought you voted in the members in congress......I'm a bit to why that decision can be passed, without the voice of the people.....too political, I'm staying out of it......
                          Yep we do elect them, but it takes lots of people elect them, and the politician's job is to balance everybody's wishes with their own view of what would be best for their district, their state, the country, whatever.

                          Often, congress people in committees have been working on a bill or law for a long time, so by the time they get to the floor for ratification are often not the same as when they were first drafted.

                          There are always lots and lots of bills in the works, and I don't know anyone who keeps track of them all.

                          Often, we the voters only notice that some horrible thing has been passed into law after the fact, as is this case with the $ reduction for veteran's burial benefits.

                          Scary, isn't it?

                          Ring the bells that still can ring

