Just started trying to apply this software and web building and learning as I go. I find it a very friendly place so far and I am happy to be here. I am a career blacksmith and metalsmith. I drive a schoolbus. I love racecars. I built one myself and raced it. I am in my mid fifties. I live and work in the great state of Minnesota. I hope y'all don't hold that against me. Favorite place to travel to is New Mexico. I am from Minnesota, but I have never been to Lake Wobegon. I know people from there though.
Just started trying to apply this software and web building and learning as I go. I find it a very friendly place so far and I am happy to be here. I am a career blacksmith and metalsmith. I drive a schoolbus. I love racecars. I built one myself and raced it. I am in my mid fifties. I live and work in the great state of Minnesota. I hope y'all don't hold that against me. Favorite place to travel to is New Mexico. I am from Minnesota, but I have never been to Lake Wobegon. I know people from there though.