Hello from Africa

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  • bucksbunny
    Sergeant First Class

    • Mar 2008
    • 52

    Hello from Africa

    I was delighted to come upon your site. I look after a small association of would be internet earners. I need to get thm a free web design package. They pay me a monthly fee to make sure that the internet sharks do not get hold of them, and to research the products I recommend. that is all the buy.
    I am right now in the process of getting to know the adsense game because that is next for them. When I bring something new, I can double the membership easily, however at this time I am one man.
    Now that you know me, and I have explained my position, and before I ask my questions, my concern is the bad publicity your support has had, both in the hosting and the product support. I will only recommend sites with direct email support, do you have this?
    I must give them a product that has the potential to generate income within 1 month of entry, like good adsense. I give them a new earning string every 2 month. Because my first 4 have been succesful they expect nothing less for the next one.
    Please state categorically how this will do it for them please, do you provide any content based on proper research? etc
    Lovely being with you I'll await some positive replies, and look forward to a successful association with all the webbers amongst you.
    South Africa
  • Tom vR
    Brigadier General

    • Apr 2007
    • 1731

    Re: Hello from Africa

    Originally posted by bucksbunny View Post
    ..... and before I ask my questions, my concern is the bad publicity your support has had, both in the hosting and the product support. I will only recommend sites with direct email support, do you have this?
    I must give them a product that has the potential to generate income within 1 month of entry, like good adsense. I give them a new earning string every 2 month. Because my first 4 have been succesful they expect nothing less for the next one.
    Please state categorically how this will do it for them please, do you provide any content based on proper research? etc
    Lovely being with you I'll await some positive replies, and look forward to a successful association with all the webbers amongst you.
    South Africa
    Hi Bucksbunny,
    Welcome to Vodaland. Man, I do not know about the bad publicity you are talking about. You must remember that any organisation that poses a threat to competitors will draw some negative criticism. We see plenty of them posting here. Shame, they are trying to disguise them, but to no avail. Now, I’m asking you with tears in my navy blue eyes: where will you get better than this at his price? http://www.vodahost.com/
    Testimonials: http://www.vodahost.com/vodatalk/customer-testimonials.html
    Direct email support: support@vodasupport.com
    Online Support: Click the Customer Support button at the bottom of BlueVoda. It will take you here: http://www.vodahost.com/help.htm Then click Support Ticket.

    Open the Google forum right here, to see all about Google Adsense, etc. Or simply Search for Google Adsense in the Search field above.

    In summary. For system related problems you submit a ticket. For design issues you post here in the forums (plenty of them). If you see how many people are participating here on the forums, and you make some calculations, you will realise that the combined experience of all the designers here on the forum are far more than any company can give you with their limited number of employees.
    So, its far better to ask questions here on the forum for any design problems/issues.

    I will recommend you to go through the links I gave you above and read and search related threads here.

    In my opinion, you will get almost everything you want here. Be specific in what you need and post the question. Then you will receive detailed answers from many sources.

    I hope you make the right decision and I hope I could answer some of your questions.

    From a fellow South African…
    Bless you


    • bucksbunny
      Sergeant First Class

      • Mar 2008
      • 52

      Re: Hello from Africa Man, apologies,

      I have taken your advice I apologiose mot profusely to those whom assumed to be guilty. I stand in the dock accused!
      A little advice please. I do a little dreamweaver 8 no forms, the form design stuff in BV is awesome! I am converted. A little annecdaote. We live in a third world country and are slip sliding into a 4th world economy... they switch our electricity off a few hours every day without warning!!!
      They have electrified all the squatter tin shanty towns and now do not have sufficient generating capapcity to serve industry. Laughable, isn't it? Any way, the elec goes off, bang goes my site!!! Mismanagement and all that you know! I suppose the worst situation for any person to be in is not to know that you don't know. If an normal person does not know... he will ask! but this lot?
      Can I ask a question here, or does this chanre belong somewhere else, I am still feeling my way around, so have mercy please. If I am in the wrong place just kick me out, but tell me. Question:- I have other domains, can I design here and publish to other domain/isp?
      I have some stuff designed in dreamweaver which I would like to complete in BV.. I have seen that I can import HTML into here, but can I than publish to another ISP?
      If I can tell you guys out there a few anecdotes on this site tell me, I sailed around the world in my own yacht.. 4 years on the waves. I'll tell you a few stories, in fact if I can upload a few clips of my DVD you can have a laugh at my expense. I'll show you how to catch fish in the middle of the southern ocean, off St Helena, using only your hands.
      Let me know or send me the boot!
      Last edited by bucksbunny; 03-08-2008, 01:38 PM. Reason: some errors.


      • Tom vR
        Brigadier General

        • Apr 2007
        • 1731

        Re: Hello from Africa

        Okay, I will respond on your paragraphs from top to bottom.
        First, what is an "annecdaote" or "anecdotes"; could not figure out what you meant by these....
        I'm glad you like the BV forms. Here are many people on the forums who can help you with it.
        We have got used to the powercuts. There is something we can do, and should do; convert to gas or get a backup generator. This will help everybody and will be in the country's benifit. Get a laptop; it will not shut down if the power goes while you are working on your site. As the rest of your statement in your paragraph; I'm not discussing any politics here in the forum. The bright side is; we are not the only country with power shortage/problems. Last on this: Lightning is currently worse than the power shedding. Nine things in our home were damaged by lightning this weekend, costing us lots of money.
        About your other domains, ISP, use of BV, etc. You cannot design with BV and publish onto other non-Vodahost servers. It will not work. BV is a gift to from VH to its hosting customers. You can however point your domains to VH servers. Compare the price and benifits and make your decision.
        Interesting hobby you have. Not for me though. How many power sheddings did you have on the open sea? lol......
        Bless you


        • bucksbunny
          Sergeant First Class

          • Mar 2008
          • 52

          Re: Hello from Africa

          To Tom vR
          Nice to chat. Regret the spelling mistake, Hollanders don't know too much about English. So you'll forgive me I am sure.Yes, have done a bit of sailing. 72 years old now, not so much anymore.
          Please tell me how I get out of the following situation, if it is one... I have designed a few pages in dreamweaver 8. I converted these to HTML and copied and pasted them into the VB design page... no go, can see the page only in preview for the rest it remains HTML, but can not opened to work on it in design view, can you help?


          • zuriatman

            • Sep 2006
            • 3025

            Re: Hello from Africa


            You dont expect somebody to give you the best WYSIWYG websitebuilder on the internet for nothing. VodaHost runs a web hosting business. When you build a website with BlueVoda you are naturally required to use their hosting services. So you will need to open a web hosting account with them as you cant publish .bvp webpages to a site hosted by a different company.

            The BlueVoda website builder is only half of the story. With a hosting account
            you will be able to access a fantastic amount of free software from your cPanel which will allow you to do anything your heart desire.

            You will be a part of more than 30,000 websites hosted by VodaHost.

            Dont look any further!
            Malaysian Family Tree Website From the
            State of Johor.



            • Tom vR
              Brigadier General

              • Apr 2007
              • 1731

              Re: Hello from Africa

              Regarding your Dreamweaver issue, would you rather please start a new thread in the BlueVoda - General Issues forum? I will see you there.
              Bless you


              • Tom vR
                Brigadier General

                • Apr 2007
                • 1731

                Re: Hello from Africa

                Hi again bucksbunny, sir. Yes it is nice and good to chat. Nice to have you here. (Baie, baie welkom hier by ons oom). You should write a book about your sailing years and experience. Where in SA are you from?
                Well, I know you will enjoy it here if you decide to swing your domains over to VH and design new site here or just maintaining the existing ones.
                Bless you


                • kadm

                  • Mar 2008
                  • 23

                  Cannot open the web exe file

                  Cannot open the web exe file please help
                  If i double click it does nothing, can you help please.


                  • bucksbunny
                    Sergeant First Class

                    • Mar 2008
                    • 52

                    Re: Hello from Africa

                    TOM, Man as jy daar is, ek sukkel my Ali af.
                    I have followed the tutorial to put forms on the site religiously, but when I get to the bit where it says that you must copy and paste the PHP code I get stuck as there is no *** code. I have rebuild the form 10 or more times, (Good Practice) thinking I cocked it up, but get the same result, Can you help me please? One more question please, I do not see how and where I start a new thread... please point me to the right place. I can not burden you with my tech issues, how do I get to post in other forums?
                    Thank you
                    NB I'll be publishing my yachting sojourns in about 3 months from now, on the net. Can an E book have film snippets in it?
                    I am battling a little to come to grips with all this new technology, not so much the web page design, but the back end stuff like forms as I explained, and how to hook a thank you page to the first page sothat on sending me their email address they get a thank you page. I have designed it it is sitting on my web site, but as for the rest?
                    Al weer 'n moerse klomp vrae. I am in East London.


                    • Tom vR
                      Brigadier General

                      • Apr 2007
                      • 1731

                      Re: Hello from Africa

                      Hi Bucks,

                      Let us first get you to be able to start a new thread as you requested. Dis nie moeilik nie, oom. Its very easy.

                      1. First, print this page, so that you can follow the instructions step by step.
                      2. On this window you are reading now, look at the top left, jus below Home, there is a link that says "Web Hosting".
                      3. Click on Web Hosting. Now you will see a lot of forums. e.g. Pre-Sales ,
                      VodaHost Web Hosting Support , BlueVoda Website Builder Forums , etc. The blue bars.
                      4. Find the main forum that is most applicable to the question you would like to ask. In your case, I think BlueVoda Website Builder Forums will do the trick for you.
                      5. Under this heading you will see the forums like BlueVoda - General Issues , Adding Elements To Your Website , Hyperlinking - Making it all come together, .......etc and for the Forms you have problems with you will see the forum Forms.
                      6. For our example, click on Forms. This will now display a list of threads started by other people about forms. This is just under the blue bar: Threads in Forum : Forms.
                      7. Just above this heading is a button called New Thread. Click this button.
                      8. Read the requests by VodaHost.
                      9. Give your thread an appropriate Title.
                      10. Type your question in the Message field.
                      11. Below this field are some smileys you can use.
                      12. Click the button Submit New Thread (just below the smileys).
                      13. You have now successfully created your own new thread.

                      Start your new thread for your Forms issue as explained above so that many people will be able to see your post and help you.
                      Bless you


                      • bucksbunny
                        Sergeant First Class

                        • Mar 2008
                        • 52

                        Re: Hello from Africa

                        Hi Tom, Thank you, you have given me an outstanding lesson, I have done it now and can do it again. Man dis nou lekker!
                        Tell me something, are there lots of South Africans working this internet marketing caper? I think it can be good if one is dedicated. I like to concentrate on adsense and am doing a lot of swotting on this one.
                        I joined vodahost last week and am waiting for notification to say that my domain is loaded. How long do they normally take before we get to upload some pages? Also looking at some other opportunities, don't seem to like the big MLM scene too much. I like writing, in my day I was a copy writer and executive at one of SA biggest ad agency in Jhb. I understand marketing, but it is as different as chalk is from cheese this internet marketing story. On my research I notice every body knows what to sell and how to sell it, and how to make you an instant millionaire etc, but very few give you the real low down on list building. I am not a computer wiz, but I have always held that business creativity is something you can not teach. Tech brains, like doing forms and things, if I can not learn it I can buy that sort of thing. Good concepts one can not buy. I think on the net you must think outside of the box. I am a green horn, but surely will learn. Thanx again for your welcome assistance. Who knows, when I make it big I'll roll a stone out of your path.


                        • Tom vR
                          Brigadier General

                          • Apr 2007
                          • 1731

                          Re: Hello from Africa

                          Hi Bucks,
                          Glad to hear that you are back on track with starting new threads. Lekker soos 'n cracker, man.
                          Yes, here are quite a number of South Africans hosting with VH, if that is what you asked. You will meet them soon while browsing through the posts.
                          When you said, you have joined VH; Have you purchased hosting and a .com domain? Or are you going to point a .co.za domain to VH? I will answer this one on receiving your reply.
                          Sorry man, but you've lost me with "the big MLM scene". Could you please explain this a bit?
                          Yes I can see you love writing, and its good to know a copy writer.
                          If you want good tips on Forms and instructions on how to create them, open the Forms forum and gobble down as much as you can the info and tips given there by Navaldesign. He is member here on the forum. Here are some of his links: Link, Link. Then also watch the Forms tutorials at the top of the Forms forum.

                          Hey Bucks. One last tip here. While viewing your thread you may want to know who is reading and/or who is busy replying to your thread, right? Right on top of this page, click on Quick Links, then click on Who's Online from the droplist. I hope it helps as you saw you dropped off while I was answering you.

                          Good luck.
                          Bless you


                          • bucksbunny
                            Sergeant First Class

                            • Mar 2008
                            • 52

                            Re: Hello from Africa

                            Hi Tom, Slaap jy dan nooit nie?
                            What I meant by MLM are some of these affilate sites which talk about your downline, like SFI etc Multi Level Mareting. They are great, but take many moons to become fruitful. I admit they are a source of self perpetuating income once they are established, but before one looses the newby you have to give him something more exciting to retain his attention. It is very different on the net. In SA you may not lie in your ads... wow man the net is full of lies and charletans. I was taken apart by one in particular. Whenever you mail him the mail gets returned as the mail box is full. I suppose full of abuse at him. He or they, as the case may be, these guys are true charletans.
                            My chosen domain name is sitesunion.com. I have a South African email service, but only for that purpose. I want to get all my stuff under one roof, vodahost. The concept I'll luanch should be ready this weekend. I have a techie visiting me to set up my links, forms, paypal etc. (don't get around to well) Than the show is on the road (Hopefully), just waiting for them to get my domain loaded so I can "get in". I have scribed a beginners course, eminating from some of my own less pleasant net experiences, I researched the material for this course for a good 4 months now. It brings down to earth the realities of a fantastic opportunity and cuts out the BS. It is also quite big on the necessity of writing, offering an almost complete mechanical solution to those afraid of the pen. I find all internetters know what you should sell and to whom, and how, but little or no proper methodology describing how to get to this market. Most of these HYPE goodies i.e. instant millionaire BS is for the riches of the seller. At my age I have learned that if you can not serve, you can not be a boss. Many have yet to learn this. This net hype stuff I speak of, is a little like me selling you a nice Porsche off a pamphlet, giving you the keys, telling you how nice it is to drive, giving you a photo or a DVD to enjoy, and than not telling you where it is parked. It's yours and it is nice, but you can't use it. Many of these "GURUS" are similar, whilst the goodie may be good, if you can't use it it is rubbish any way, no matter hoe good on the surface.
                            My course takes the newby into the reality of his ncessity to know. The whole document is written on a need to know basis. He has to do it, I can only but tell him. My skrywery, Ek was 'n Afrikaans georienteerde kopieskrywer. My oorlede vrou was 'n skryfster en het baie maal stories vir rooi rose ens geskryf.
                            Tom, Just because you own a hotel does not mean you have to make the beds, you are the manager, thus what you need to do is to see that the beds are made. i.e. I am not a computer fundie, but I understand (I think) how Inet results can be gotten. Thus I conceptualise and let the others do what they are good at. Hence the need for a visit from a techie.
                            Choia and thanx for your continued help and interets.


                            • Tom vR
                              Brigadier General

                              • Apr 2007
                              • 1731

                              Re: Hello from Africa

                              Hi Bucks,
                              You have very interesting stuff.

                              VH has already registerred your site. Link Whois.
                              All you need to do now is to create your pages and publish them. Watch the tutorials.
                              Bless you

