Hi BV Gang!
James Black here and brand new to the community.
I'm about halfway through with my Website using
the BVWB and I really love it.
I'm just about a week away from publishing it and
would appreciate any and all pointers and practical
tips to make my website an enjoyable experience.
My wife tells me there is NO central theme to it and
and I think she is right, but I won't know how to fine
tune it unless people see it and give feedback.
No worries though, I am really, really good at taking
critiques so don't worry about hurting my feelings, I
want to be really good at this.
Thanks ahead of time...James
James Black here and brand new to the community.
I'm about halfway through with my Website using
the BVWB and I really love it.
I'm just about a week away from publishing it and
would appreciate any and all pointers and practical
tips to make my website an enjoyable experience.
My wife tells me there is NO central theme to it and
and I think she is right, but I won't know how to fine
tune it unless people see it and give feedback.
No worries though, I am really, really good at taking
critiques so don't worry about hurting my feelings, I
want to be really good at this.
Thanks ahead of time...James