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help i am new to this, i have no ideal how to start createing my own web page. i have looked at the tutorials, like i said ,i am new to this, so will someone please help me. your help will be greatly appreciated.. thanks paula002.
hi paula, i was where you are a few days ago. Look through the templates and decide what you would like for your website. Download it Get familiar with the buttons on top. When you want to place anything on your page, go to the button first, ie image (template, picture etc) click on it, then move your mouse onto the page, click your mouse and move it a bit, that will then say ie no image selected, then you can open up your file and put it in. if you want to type some text, again, click on text, then move down onto the page and open up an area to type in by moving your mouse. that gets you started at the basic level. the tutorials really help, naming your pages, menu bars, hyperlinks etc are actually easy, even for a computer illiterate but took me a few tries. Once you get it right you wonder why you didnt the first time
hi avalanche, thanks for your help, i will try to follow your advise and try to get started with this. once i get it going i will post the out come,and should i need anymore assistance i will surely ask for help. once again thanks for the info. :D