fisher price voting device
fisher price voting device
Funny Jokes and Redneck Pics
"laughter is the best medicine"
The most wasted of all days is one without laughter. ~e.e. cummingsTags: None
Re: fisher price voting device
Makes sense, seeing as how they have both picture menus and picture-button cash registers at McDonalds, and the ability to speak English is no longer required for a driver's license or even to vote anymore!
Think of the money spent on multi-lingual everything being spent on real needed programs like hunger and homelessness instead! Talk about a mind blower!
Re: fisher price voting device
Dunno .... not much difference between brainwashing the brain-dead to vote for a "pretty colored shape" than registering the actual dead to vote they way you tell them, now then is it??
.... we can go on and on with how upside down things have gotten, right?
Re: fisher price voting device
True so actually there should be two of them devices with each having only one hole. One stating Democrat and the other Republican respectfully. Then you take whichever you want to win with you when you ask people to vote, as they will only have one choice you will accomplish your goal lol.
Very Funny stuff, Thanks for the picture!