Hi, I'm Jack. I am brand spanking new(bie) to all of this web page creation stuff.
Hardly worth knowing, really.
I just signed up because I would like to learn how to make webpages, and how others do theirs. I'm creative and think outside the box (artsy fartsy) but am dumber than a rock, so a lot of my posts will seem trivial and stupid. Just so you know, I'm not kidding when I ask a dumb question, I'm just dumb. Anyway, enough self abuse.
I hope to be able to give this the time and effort it takes to get good at it. And I hope that a few of you will take me under your collective wing, so to speak, and help me learn. Two brains are better than one (especially when one of them is mine).
How do you do.
Hardly worth knowing, really.
I just signed up because I would like to learn how to make webpages, and how others do theirs. I'm creative and think outside the box (artsy fartsy) but am dumber than a rock, so a lot of my posts will seem trivial and stupid. Just so you know, I'm not kidding when I ask a dumb question, I'm just dumb. Anyway, enough self abuse.
I hope to be able to give this the time and effort it takes to get good at it. And I hope that a few of you will take me under your collective wing, so to speak, and help me learn. Two brains are better than one (especially when one of them is mine).
How do you do.