Hola a todos agradezco la confianza de aceptarme, como parte de su comunidad.
Aprovecho para preguntar si tienen version del programa, la pagina en espaņol, seria magnifico para mi, sera posible en un futuro?
Hello to all I am thankful for the confidence to accept to me, like part of its community. I am useful to ask if they have version of the program, the page in Spanish, serious superb for possible my, sera in the future?
Aprovecho para preguntar si tienen version del programa, la pagina en espaņol, seria magnifico para mi, sera posible en un futuro?
Hello to all I am thankful for the confidence to accept to me, like part of its community. I am useful to ask if they have version of the program, the page in Spanish, serious superb for possible my, sera in the future?