Karen McMurtrey

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  • Marincky

    • Apr 2006
    • 4539

    Karen McMurtrey

    It is with the utmost and deepest regret that I have to make this post to let you know that Karen is no longer with us anymore, passing away at 6.30pm USA time.

    Karen has been battling with cancer for quite some time now and just when things appeared to be going well for her she took a turn for the worse in the last few days.

    Karen leaves a loving husband and a wonderful family who I know will miss her dearly.

    It is very hard for me to talk about this as Karen was one of my closest friends ever. She took me under her wings and guided me, not just through my business but as a true friend. Karen was my best friend, but she could also be like a mother to me at times too. She cared for many many people including myself, even being my online nurse too at times.

    What can we say about Karen... so much; she was open, would always say it as she saw it, which some people found hard to understand, but this was just how Karen appeared to some. Deep down, trust me, Karen was the most caring woman in the world, beyond no doubt, but was also under a lot of pressure with her work as well as her illness in the later part of her life which she kept well hidden from most.

    I lose track of how long now but I believe it has been three or four years I have known Karen and in that time we must of spoken at least once every single day 365 days of each year. Life without her being there will be the most challenging thing I personally have ever had to do in my life.

    I will miss her so much as I know all her family and many friends will.
    Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.
  • darklight
    Brigadier General

    • Jul 2006
    • 1309

    Re: Karen McMurtrey

    cant believe it... Rest in Peace Karen...


    • Vasili

      • Mar 2006
      • 14683

      Re: Karen McMurtrey

      It is a great loss to many of us, and to this Community as well. Her support, encouragements, and insights have helped us all as we evolved online, and her distinctive wit has always been especially refreshing.

      Karen was one of the first to befriend me when I came to VodaHost, and she was always quick to offer her helping hand. She has been quietly struggling some time, remaining strong to the end, but sadly could not claim victory over this battle that ravaged her so.

      She will be sorely missed.
      . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
      * Success Is Potential Realized *


      • C L

        • Jul 2006
        • 5561

        Re: Karen McMurtrey

        ...thank you Ramsey

        She will be greatly missed, a kind & wonderful person, full of humor.....a sad day indeed.


        • davidundalicia

          • Mar 2006
          • 6294

          Re: Karen McMurtrey

          Some people you meet or come across in your life, make a big difference in your attitude and the way you meet day to day problems.
          Karen was just such a person.
          She was always there for me, and many others, in times of stress or need.
          I will never forget the many smacks that she gave me and her sense of humour was so appropiate....................You will always be remembered Karen.

          Have fun
          Regards..... David

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          • ahimsa
            Major General

            • Jan 2009
            • 2184

            Re: Karen McMurtrey

            As someone who has only been around this forum, & therefore Karen, for just a few months, I can still say that I understand completely how all you 'older' members must be feeling. I am shocked. I had no idea. I wondered some days ago why her presence was suddenly no longer.
            Karen was the first to come to my assistance when I asked stupid "newbie" questions....and she did so with no trace of arrogance or impatience. With one particular problem (that I now realise I could have eventually figured out myself) Karen talked me through step-by-step.
            I never knew her personally........but.........I feel as if I knew her personally.
            And - yes - She will be sorely missed.
            Never measure the height of the mountain you're climbing. At the summit, look back and see how small it really is!


            • larazovich

              • Jul 2006
              • 5811

              Re: Karen McMurtrey

              I am so sorry.... I will miss Karen; her scathing wit, her selfless help -her presence on this planet..
              Rest in Peace....

              Ring the bells that still can ring


              • mrmagoo144
                Brigadier General

                • Feb 2007
                • 1369

                Re: Karen McMurtrey

                can't see very well you know, but Karen was always there to guide me through the mazes that i built. you will be missed,
                love, Wayne.


                • Astraltraveller

                  • Jul 2006
                  • 4006

                  Re: Karen McMurtrey

                  Thank you Ramsey for letting us know.....

                  She will be dearly missed by us all specially those of us who have been here
                  with her from the beginning.
                  She always made such a great impact on a lot us.....and always willing to help those of us who need help.
                  May her Soul rest in peace and may we always remember her in our hearts and memories.

                  MAY YOUR SOUL REST IN PEACE KAREN..... You will always be remembered....

                  Manny(THE ALIEN LEADER)
                  Click Here to See the Vodaliens Album & Join the Club!! Sendyour personal photo to be alienated to the Vodalien Group



                  • LadyEye
                    General & Forum Moderator

                    • Jun 2006
                    • 10526

                    Re: Karen McMurtrey

                    Oh dear Karen, I will miss you terribly.

                    “The loss of a friend is like that of a limb; time may heal the anguish of the wound, but the loss cannot be repaired.”


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                    • karenwms63

                      • Feb 2008
                      • 865

                      Re: Karen McMurtrey

                      I am missing you already, Karen. We love you, girl...
                      Karen Williams
                      Your Belief is Your Reality


                      • Justallsorts

                        • Jan 2008
                        • 32

                        Re: Karen McMurtrey

                        So sorry and shocked to hear of Karen's passing, she was a wonderful and strong willed forum member, I myself foud it hard to understand her abrupt manner at times, I wish I had given her more respect.

                        Rest in peace, God Bless! x


                        • kmakpres
                          Staff Sergeant

                          • Apr 2007
                          • 43

                          Re: Karen McMurtrey

                          Karen was a good friend I met her once and talked with her often she was an inspiration and mentor someone I could ask any question about the internet and she always knew the answer. She was patient and caring and always willing to help. Her wit and wisdom and frequent mac smacks will be missed.

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                          • Tom Finley
                            Brigadier General

                            • Mar 2008
                            • 1303

                            Re: Karen McMurtrey

                            Karen was the chief among the very few select and wonderful people who give this forum its distinct and rare personality. It won't be the same without her--she will be missed.

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                            • Bethers
                              Major General & Forum Moderator

                              • Feb 2006
                              • 5224

                              Re: Karen McMurtrey

                              Karen is one of the all-time best people I have had the privilege to have be part of my life. I will miss her sorely. She left us on my birthday, and I really do believe she planned that - so that every year now when I celebrate my birthday, I'll also celebrate Karen - Love you my friend - always will.
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