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education, education & more education

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  • education, education & more education

    just one the keys that will get you far in life....
    it certainly did it for me

    so if you think education is not important, think again

  • #2
    Re: education, education & more education

    education is in fact very important! but there is also something to be gained by "seat of the pants" learning!


    • #3
      Re: education, education & more education

      what do you mean by "seat of the pants" learning?

      what's that?


      • #4
        Re: education, education & more education

        We also have very important on the job learning in the UK called 'sitting by Nellie'!

        Nellie is obviously very clever as she knows every job going!


        • #5
          Re: education, education & more education

          Originally posted by gueorgui
          what do you mean by "seat of the pants" learning?

          what's that?
          Basically it means to learn as you go along. trial n error..lifes learnings.

          Dont know about sittin by nellie!...sounds kinda


          • #6
            Re: education, education & more education

            Nellie is the person who has done the job for years and can train all the newcomers. Unfortunately she usually has picked up loads of bad habits as well - if there's a short cut Nellie's found it!

            Means on the job training!


            • #7
              Re: education, education & more education

              that's how I understand education - being practical and learning on the job

              I wouldn't want to learn from Nelly.

              And if a new comer asks me, who do I recommend they go to mentor them,
              my reply would be............. YOUR SELF.

              Unless you learn to trust in your own thoughts, perceptions and abilities how can you trust in someone else's?


              • #8
                Re: education, education & more education

                Never heard of that saying Trish lol...heard of "not on your nellie" but never sitting by nellie, must be your part of the country lol

                I agree Gueorgui education is important of which there are many sources,but its not always about reading books and classrooms, myself i learned the basics at school as for the rest of my life and i'm now 50 my education came from lifes mistakes and experiences, i had only 9yrs at school from the age of 5 to 14yrs old, then out in the big wide world for oneself being ones mentor, i'm not sure i agree with that as i dont think i would be the person i am today if i hadnt had the help and support of people i would call my mentors along the way, some of us need mentors as our way of learning, myself included, i think what i'm trying to say is ..that we are all different and education comes in many forms.

                Just my opinion of course :o)

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                • #9
                  Re: education, education & more education

                  Linda what I am trying to say is that first and formost, trust in one self is of utmost importance,

                  one will allways need mentors in life, but one is allways alone in one's life.

                  I have mentors and have carefully chosen them to learn from them, I admire them, I feel inspired by them, I feel nurtured by them, I feel challenged, I respect them, I listen to them, I credit them, but in the end its not the mentor that lives your life, you have to take your actions and make your choices. Thats what I am trying to say.

                  So its all down to you all the time from the moment you are born till you die, but you are not an island you do need others to affirm and promote you.

