My name is Hilda Ruth, currently residing in Virginia, pursuing online studies for the B.S. Infortmation Technology program. I have always wanted to have my personal website mainly for school projects, staying -in-touch with associates, family, friends and business contacts. I particularly need assistance creating HTMLs and XTHMLs for class projects as I am stilll the novice . Looking forward to creating, any advice, enjoying new contacts, and frienships . Warmest Regards~ Hilda Ruth
My name is Hilda Ruth, currently residing in Virginia, pursuing online studies for the B.S. Infortmation Technology program. I have always wanted to have my personal website mainly for school projects, staying -in-touch with associates, family, friends and business contacts. I particularly need assistance creating HTMLs and XTHMLs for class projects as I am stilll the novice . Looking forward to creating, any advice, enjoying new contacts, and frienships . Warmest Regards~ Hilda Ruth