Hello vodahost,
It is extremly wonderful to get across your site. I wanted to learn about making website but have no idea how to go about it. It is just for my personal sake & not a commercial site. I wanted to make my own website for recording my son's special activities as he grows up ( he is just 07 months toddler).
Your tutorials seems to be extremly user friendly so I have a stronger hope to build it. I just thought of discussing my intention of creating my website.
Thanks & regards,
Kalpana Verma
Kolkata , INDIA
It is extremly wonderful to get across your site. I wanted to learn about making website but have no idea how to go about it. It is just for my personal sake & not a commercial site. I wanted to make my own website for recording my son's special activities as he grows up ( he is just 07 months toddler).
Your tutorials seems to be extremly user friendly so I have a stronger hope to build it. I just thought of discussing my intention of creating my website.
Thanks & regards,
Kalpana Verma
Kolkata , INDIA