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  • Andy128

    Do you like Skype?

    I have been looking at it, but not sure. How well does it work around the world. As my oldest is considering taking a long term missionary post in Thailand we need communication.


  • #2
    Re: Andy128

    Shelly- Yes I like it a lot. My father and I talk all the time.
    Download it and give it a test. I am here in the States so that would be a great long distance test. Give me an e-mail when your ready. Currently it is 4pm here. We will set a time to test.

    PHP- is a blast!


    • #3
      Re: Andy128

      I'll do that just as soon as the headset I ordered from just deals arrives. I just noticed My profile doen't give my location...North Idaho...which is a long way from any where!!!!



      • #4
        Re: Andy128

        Oh- not so far after all. It is so cool to be able to talk with everone here on BV as they are from most every corner of the earth. Pretty cool.

        I'll await your email and call.
        PHP- is a blast!


        • #5
          Re: Andy128

          Just read article on U3 thumb drives. They have standalone applications on them that run independently of the operating system. Therefore- your son could have skype on this thumb drive- plug it into a computer in Thiland and if he has an internet connection- run skype from his thumb drive. Very cool indeed. Read up on it. ALso these thumb drives have stand alone e-mail clients and word processors too!

          Just an FYI

          PHP- is a blast!


          • #6
            Re: Andy128

            Hi guy's,

            Don't mean to crash, but I have used it from Florida to Korea many times and it works like a champ. When is your son going? Does he have a phone to use? I have some if not, I also have access to a program that is called VOIP which means "voice over internet protocal" they charge a small fee and have phones that don't have to attach to your pc, so if he was in a airport and by a hot spot he could call from from his travels. If I can be of any help please let me know.
            Sharon Chajin


            • #7
              Re: Andy128

              My daughter would be going in the fall I think... I am just a mom you understand and probably the last to know for sure. lol I'm not sure what all she will have access to. She would be working in an orphanage over there. I think that the pastor who runs it has at least internet access but not sure.



              • #8
                Re: Andy128

                Sorry, I don't know where I got son from, maybe because mine was just over. I have phones here and I can send you one that you don't have to pay for. I have a few.
                Sharon Chajin


                • #9
                  Re: Andy128

                  Thats okay I wasn't gender specific. Thanks for the offer of the phones. Are they for the voip?



                  • #10
                    Re: Andy128

                    Yes, the ones that I have in stock to you are free but they do have to attached, the other ones that I have access to don't they are wireless.
                    Sharon Chajin


                    • #11
                      Re: Andy128

                      Originally posted by Andy128
                      Just read article on U3 thumb drives. They have standalone applications on them that run independently of the operating system. Therefore- your son could have skype on this thumb drive- plug it into a computer in Thiland and if he has an internet connection- run skype from his thumb drive. Very cool indeed. Read up on it. ALso these thumb drives have stand alone e-mail clients and word processors too!

                      Just an FYI

                      VERY Cool, Major!

                      Now I don't have to go out and buy more "stuff" to do what I need to do when my diamond sites run the way they're supposed to (I carry 2 cell phones as it is, and have been looking past notebooks, ***'s, etc. for a while now).

                      Wonders never cease in these here Forums....
                      . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                      * Success Is Potential Realized *


                      • #12
                        Re: Andy128


                        Need your guidance. I followed your instructions on creating sub folders within public_html to the letter. Great stuff! Then published my pages into the designated folder.

                        However, when i type in my webpage address, instead of seeing my webpage, i see a list of the files within it. I know i have done something incorrect, but cant figure out what.

                        So, temporarily i have deleted them an uploaded directly, but would like to better organize under your plan.

                        Please let me know how to correct the situation.



                        • #13
                          Re: Andy128

                          I didn't go the route of creating sub-folders via bv ftp myself....I
                          . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                          * Success Is Potential Realized *


                          • #14
                            Re: Andy128

                            I didn't go the route of creating sub-folders via bv ftp myself....I used my own computer to click on the BV folder, and simply created new folder there. Then when using BV, I merely saved files/pages to my created folders. You only have to remember to add the subflder name to BV publishing dialog box when publishing them, that's all....

                            The reason you are seeing the root dir, maybe your Main Page is not named "index.html"?? Every sub-site Main is also "index.html" but is placed into the subfolder....the original site Main does not go into a sub-folder....
                            . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                            * Success Is Potential Realized *


                            • #15
                              Re: Andy128

                              Ooooh this skype thing sounds like a great idea! ....saying as my man lives in Oregon I think i should look into this .....does it matter what internet connection you have?
                              Click the link below for page guidelines (no more sideways scroll)


                              How to Center your page

