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going to ***** country!...

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  • going to ***** country!...

    Ive finally finished all vacation plans which will give you all a break from my bad jokes!
    So from the 22nd - the 26th -
    Ill be going down to South Jersey right across the water from *****! - dont worry Ill be busy and wont jump the waters and visit!
    So Ill be under the same as it seems most here are - no pc..not allowed! and with what is in the itinerary there isnt any sneak away time either!
    But Ill have a longing look over the Delaware bridge into Wilmington at the home of Voda and know there is life over there! haha!
    There is a nice little resturaunt on the riverside that gives a great view of Delaware and the water traffic food isnt bad/but all Ill be thinking of is what im missing with my silly little site -
    Deep sigh -

  • #2
    Re: going to ***** country!...

    ViVa...Las Vegas


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    • #3
      Re: going to ***** country!...

      no no - ViVa Voda!


      • #4
        Re: going to ***** country!...

        Originally posted by kassi59
        Ive finally finished all vacation plans which will give you all a break from my bad jokes!
        So from the 22nd - the 26th -
        Ill be going down to South Jersey right across the water from *****! - dont worry Ill be busy and wont jump the waters and visit!
        So Ill be under the same as it seems most here are - no pc..not allowed! and with what is in the itinerary there isnt any sneak away time either!
        But Ill have a longing look over the Delaware bridge into Wilmington at the home of Voda and know there is life over there! haha!
        There is a nice little resturaunt on the riverside that gives a great view of Delaware and the water traffic food isnt bad/but all Ill be thinking of is what im missing with my silly little site -
        Deep sigh -
        Hey Kate - hope you have a really great break!


        • #5
          Re: going to ***** country!...

          Thanx Trish! Im sure it will be fun! And I really wont miss the puter while Im gone..I never do...but I do however do a major bolt to it when I get home!


          • #6
            Re: going to ***** country!...

            I'll be traipsing around "*****" country all summer - on my way up that way now.

            With 4 current online stores and a couple more in the works - I never go more than 72 hours without being online - and that is too long! My laptop is always available - it's the connection that can be difficult to find occasionally.

            Have a great time Kate!
            A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

            SEO and Marketing Tools
            SEO - The Basics


            • #7
              Re: going to ***** country!...

              Originally posted by Bethers
              I'll be traipsing around "*****" country all summer - on my way up that way now.

              With 4 current online stores and a couple more in the works - I never go more than 72 hours without being online - and that is too long! My laptop is always available - it's the connection that can be difficult to find occasionally.

              Have a great time Kate!
              You too Beth! Which area? Delaware or New Jersey? Ill be staying in an old town called Salem. Quite a few historical places to visit, and we may take the train over to DC, but nothing is in stone at this time...Jims family is from there, so that will be our base point, and after that all is open!


              • #8
                Re: going to ***** country!...

                Actually, I'll be "workamping" in a very small town in New Hampshire 2 days a week - but will be traipsing all over the state and surrounding states the other 5 days. I'll be driving through Delaware today or tomorrow - probably tomorrow since I'm so late getting on the road today!

                I think we'll both have great times. If you have never been to DC - I recommend going - a day trip to all the monuments and if time, a hop to at least part of the Smithsonian - it's a great place to go.
                A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

                SEO and Marketing Tools
                SEO - The Basics


                • #9
                  Re: going to ***** country!...

                  Well Beth youre going to be right here! Im in vermont! Ill think about ya while you traips thru!
                  lol - a small town in are!...haha!, just a sibbling joke..some say that we are sister Vermont and New Hampshire are the same and then we argue over which is right side up and which is upside down..kinda like the egg arguement in gullivers travels!
                  I have been to DC...last year just around this time, its a wonderful place!
                  The rain is here now and the word is it will be for the rest of the week, but this is New England and the weather is subject to change at a blink!...
                  Hope you will enjoy! If your around West Burke, VT..send me an message!

