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Time will tell -

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  • Time will tell -

    Im finally downloading the 8.0. getting back into the realm of computer life after over a week away is difficult, to say the least!
    Yet with lacking enthusium I will take a look/see and hopefully this will give me the "obsession virus" back!
    nice to see my shining star still changing daily!

  • #2
    Re: Time will tell -

    G'Morning, Colonel Kate!
    I had to re-publish about 40 pages of my mall in 8, and it seems to me that much of the text came back lighter, slightly fuzzy....and it seemed to take longer to publish too...
    I can't wait to play with the Clone button....if I can find it (my computer-squinty eyes)...
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *


    • #3
      Re: Time will tell -

      lol..thats not giving me incentive!...Im still bleary eyed from the long break away, and have lost my "excitement" for sitting here, that doesnt sound like its a good thing, especially the longer publishing Im on dial up and it already takes too long...Im now thinking I might just keep the old version.


      • #4
        Re: Time will tell -

        Why are you on dialup" Are you in Verizon country? You should get the satellite card from them, and be able to connect anywhere in the world for about $49/mo...only $10/mo if you have a cell phone with them...I know people who switch over to get both cheap!... the heck with hooking up Starbucks to Starbucks! ;@ Satellite is too need for wireless nonsense anymore (I'm on satellite since 2002 already)
        . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
        * Success Is Potential Realized *


        • #5
          Re: Time will tell -

          lol....just use google earth and have a look at Newark Vermont! that should answer most of the queries of why Im still using "cup n string" internet connection. The area is very rural here and we are happy to have telephone systems! not that bad, but for now dial up is what we use. Not due to the lack of what else is out there, just due to what this area has to offer.


          • #6
            Re: Time will tell -

            Then do what I had to do for one of my offices since there was no "cable" or "DSL" run to the area: set up an Earthlink IP account (I have one set up totally invisible, fwdg to other IP's), and go the DirecWay satellite....
            runs at 96-130% of DSL, or more than 300x faster than dialup....should be about the same cost ($50/mo), and all you need is electricity and a pole...super-simple, super reliable...and if you want to even check it out, I will come back with my link for you to test availability by ZIP from my mall (every purchase helps out Cystic Fibrosis) cuz I don't thing I have it posted on a banner yet - gotta re-publish it too... BRB

            Here..try this link ... YOU NEED TO CLICK WIFI, and it will probably redirect to satellite, under hispeed internet options
            . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
            * Success Is Potential Realized *


            • #7
              Re: Time will tell -

              Well my dear if it were left up to me I know of a few different options. But as long as Jim is the keeper of the options I will use what we have. Before I moved up here I had verizon dsl and its so much, I just barely after two years talked him into getting a phone program that I can use to take calls when my sons call!, so maybe after we move to nashville I can get into the future of simple internet!...but til then Ill just give the moose outside the information and he will transefer it to the next light pole for me!...hehehe.


              • #8
                Re: Time will tell -

       can always check it out....satellite is so cool...
                and check out Andy's thread...he mentioned a thumb drive you can plug into your computer to use Skype phone & email online for free....
                . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                * Success Is Potential Realized *


                • #9
                  Re: Time will tell -


                  Why are you always mentioning "dial up" like its a dirty word?

                  Many people are still on dial up , including myself ...yes we would all like to have the better technology but we all have our reasons for not having it and really shouldnt have to explain why we are still in the dark ages lol
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                  • #10
                    Re: Time will tell -

                    Originally posted by Lincslady

                    Why are you always mentioning "dial up" like its a dirty word?

                    Many people are still on dial up , including myself ...yes we would all like to have the better technology but we all have our reasons for not having it and really shouldnt have to explain why we are still in the dark ages lol
                    AWE- thats my girl Linda!
                    I myself didnt start out with the feeling like I had to explain my dial up, but everytime I mention it, most assume I dont know any other way to connect!
                    so now I think Ill swear!
                    DIAL UP, DIAL UP, DIAL UP!
                    hehehehehe...very naughty!...I


                    • #11
                      Re: Time will tell -

                      Wear your Dial up with pride Kate! hahaha...;o)
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                      • #12
                        Re: Time will tell -

                        Heck Linda Im a poster girl! phonelines up here are soooo outdated, I chat with my mom on a daily basis and we will have to stop to wait for a break in conversation to finish up before we can continue! why I coined the "cup n string" connection!


                        • #13
                          Re: Time will tell -

                          Hey it gets you on the internet doesnt it....thats all that matters to me right now lol
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                          • #14
                            Re: Time will tell -

                            absolutely! total concur!


                            • #15
                              Re: Time will tell -

                              Originally posted by Lincslady

                              Why are you always mentioning "dial up" like its a dirty word?

                              Many people are still on dial up , including myself ...yes we would all like to have the better technology but we all have our reasons for not having it and really shouldnt have to explain why we are still in the dark ages lol
                              Maybe I am too quick to share what I believe to be proven solutions, and my enthusiasm is read as an affront somehow....if so, I is certainly not intended. I naturally am willing to share anything that might allow others to reach their potential that I can personally relate from factual experience.

                              I am learning that my generalized understanding that dial-up presents certain functional limitations online and that most other users would appreciate the opportunity to explore options did not account for those who made more personalized decisions and were comfortable within that environment. That's all.

                              For me, it was almost devastating trying to solve the abscence of hi-speed at my offices, and satellite, although a bit slower, was not only necessary for my need to accomplish much quickly (time=money) but affordably as well. Satellite is surprisingly very affordable and widely available, and seemed to me a worthy suggestion.

                              ** Noting that some of my posts have been removed indicates that I must rethink my prescence in the Forums, and probably limit it to problem solving only, on personal project focus only. Maybe someday when I become more computer savvy and can be both more brief and specifically enhancing with my participation, I will find reason to re-emerge. Thanks to all of the wonderful people I've encountered who have encouraged and educated me in the recent past! I look forward to continuing to advance my VodaVision following your advice (overheard as I observe, of course) and your exemplary examples!
                              . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                              * Success Is Potential Realized *

