Do you need a smile? It worked for me! -

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  • beegud2
    Major General

    • Apr 2006
    • 2156

    Re: Do you need a smile? It worked for me! -

    Was that David...gosh didn't recognize him.....see what happens when you do those wild and crazy things....hmmm....



    • kassi59
      Major General

      • Nov 2005
      • 2771

      Re: Do you need a smile? It worked for me! -

      Beezzz didn't ya see the family resemblance? We are actually
      copy/paste/copy/paste/copy/paste...what a life!...


      • beegud2
        Major General

        • Apr 2006
        • 2156

        Re: Do you need a smile? It worked for me! -

        ROLF...I knew something looked familiar...



        • ez-ez
          Special Status

          • Mar 2006
          • 1329

          Re: Do you need a smile? It worked for me! -

          Originally posted by kassi59
          lmao...with tears of laughter make a very good
          poor thing...there should be an organization to save the smileys butt!
          stop smiley

          What a brilliant idea...

          Finally, someone that really cares.......

          Kate, the founder of the 'Save the Ass of Smiley Association' or known as (SASA).. Non profitable organization dedicated to saving the Smiley's butt..


          We will sue Yahoo and MSN for cuelty tp the smiley.. and we will fight for legislation to stop 'Slave Traders' Like from operating.

          If this world managed to save a big ass like the whales ass, we sure can save a tiny little ass like the smiley's ass... and as we say: Lets all get behind that ass.



          • beegud2
            Major General

            • Apr 2006
            • 2156

            Re: Do you need a smile? It worked for me! -

            ROFL...HAHAHAHA...still ROFL...ok you've convinced me...down with the imperialist swine....SAVE THAT SMILEY ASS

            it'll be hard but I'll giv up my smileys and set them free....oh how will I manage...I can't afford to pay them....




            • ez-ez
              Special Status

              • Mar 2006
              • 1329

              Re: Do you need a smile? It worked for me! -

              Well done Beez..

              You are the first freedom fighter for the smiley.. You will go down in history as an 'ICON' for future generations.. ;)


              • Vasili

                • Mar 2006
                • 14683

                Re: Do you need a smile? It worked for me! -

                LMAO a while I know where it ended up!

                I too, needed a lift today.....apparently today is my day to wallow in skata, accomplish nothing, and have everyone in the western hemisphere call me to ask retarded questions. I'd give up and go home, but it's 102 and my AC at home quit last night.
                Thanks for sharing the lighter side of life! It's always brighter in VodaLand.....
                . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                * Success Is Potential Realized *


                • beegud2
                  Major General

                  • Apr 2006
                  • 2156

                  Re: Do you need a smile? It worked for me! -

                  Oh Vasili...sorry about your's a Jamaican joke to help your laugh back...and hope you all get the jist of it (insert f... expletives for jamican ones.

                  Jamaican lawyers should never ask a witness a question if they aren'tprepared for the answer. In a trial in Kingston a prosecuting attorney called his first witness,an elderly woman to the stand. He approached her and asked, Mrs. Jones, do you know me?"She responded; "Why, yes me know you, Mr. Williams Me know you sinceyou was a pickin, and frankly, you is a big disappointment to yuhfamily. You lie, you cheat on yuh wife, you manipulate people and talkbout dem behind dem back.You tink you is a big shot when you no have the brains to realize yuhnever be more dan a two-bit paper pusher. Yes, me know you!." TheLawyer was stunned!Not knowing what else to do, he pointed across the room and asked,"Mrs. Jones, do you know the defense attorney?" She again replied, "Why yes, me know Mr Brady since him was a likklebwoy too. Him lazy, bigoted, an him always under him whites. Him cyaanbuild a normal relationship with no one and him law practice is one ofthe wuss in de entire island. Pon top a dat, him cheat on him wife withthree different woman. One of dem was your missis Mr Williams. Yes, meknow him well" The defense attorney almost died of embarrassment. The judge ordered both counselors to approach the bench, and in a veryquiet tone of voice, said; "If either of you bastards bumbo claut askher if she knows me, I'll throw your rass claut in jail for contempt."





                  • beegud2
                    Major General

                    • Apr 2006
                    • 2156

                    Re: Do you need a smile? It worked for me! -

                    Okay ...i decided to neaten up the joke a bit for easier reading and understanding....hope that helps for non jamaican speakers.

                    Jamaican lawyers should never ask a witness a question if they aren'tprepared for the answer. In a trial in Kingston a prosecuting attorney called his first witness,an elderly woman to the stand.
                    He approached her and asked, Mrs. Jones, do you know me?"
                    She responded; "Why, yes me(I) know you, Mr. Williams Me know you since you was a pickin (child), and frankly, you is a big disappointment to yuh family. You lie, you cheat on yuh wife, you manipulate people and talk bout dem behind dem back. You tink you is a big shot when you no have the brains to realize yuhnever be more dan a two-bit paper pusher. Yes, me know you!."
                    TheLawyer was stunned! Not knowing what else to do, he pointed across the room and asked,"Mrs. Jones, do you know the defense attorney?"
                    She again replied, "Why yes, me know Mr Brady since him was a likkle bwoy (little boy) too. Him lazy, bigoted, an him always under him whites. Him cyaan (cannot) build a normal relationship with no one and him law practice is one of the wuss (worse) in de entire island. Pon top a dat, him cheat on him wife with three different woman. One of dem was your missis Mr Williams. Yes, me know him well"
                    The defense attorney almost died of embarrassment. The judge ordered both counselors to approach the bench, and in a very quiet tone of voice, said; "If either of you bastards bumbo claut (insert expletive) ask her if she knows me, I'll throw your rass claut (insert expletive) in jail for contempt."




                    • Vasili

                      • Mar 2006
                      • 14683

                      Re: Do you need a smile? It worked for me! -

                      Very cute!
                      An juss lika da I-land, huh Beez? Funny!
                      (and thanks!)
                      . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                      * Success Is Potential Realized *


                      • kassi59
                        Major General

                        • Nov 2005
                        • 2771

                        Re: Do you need a smile? It worked for me! -

                        Originally posted by ez-ez

                        What a brilliant idea...

                        Finally, someone that really cares.......

                        Kate, the founder of the 'Save the Ass of Smiley Association' or known as (SASA).. Non profitable organization dedicated to saving the Smiley's butt..

                        Slogan: NO IF'S OR BUTS... TIME TO SAVE THE SMILEY'S BUTTS..

                        We will sue Yahoo and MSN for cuelty tp the smiley.. and we will fight for legislation to stop 'Slave Traders' Like from operating.

                        If this world managed to save a big ass like the whales ass, we sure can save a tiny little ass like the smiley's ass... and as we say: Lets all get behind that ass.

                        Ya know ez - I like your way of thinking! Now to set up the website! We would have to create a more intimate view of the smiley as like the whales...something for people to gain a genuine heart for...I bet we could make millions with this partner!


                        • Mihir
                          Sergeant First Class

                          • Jun 2006
                          • 58

                          Re: Do you need a smile? It worked for me! -

                          Ok I smiled!

