Favorite Inspiring Quotes

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  • fruitengine_hannah
    Re: Favorite Quotes -

    i got this from an SMS... " it's funny how sometimes you've been doing everything to get out of one place and when you've found time to leave... it's when you've found reason to stay.."

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  • PlayItByBeer
    Re: Favorite Quotes -

    Love thy neighbour... but don’t get caught!!!

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  • larazovich
    Re: Favorite Quotes -

    "I'd heard that if you play the Microsoft CD's the other way you'd hear demonic phrases, but I don't know what is worse, if you play them right, you install Windows."

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  • Mirelle
    Re: Favorite Quotes -

    "If music is the food of love play on"

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  • Mirelle
    Re: Favorite Quotes -

    "Dont live for the past or the future live for now."

    Hey im on a roll, i roll up my sleeves and continue.........

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  • Mirelle
    Re: Favorite Quotes -

    "Those who laugh last laugh longest"

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    Re: Favorite Quotes -

    where ever you may journey,try to leave a little of yourself behind. but make sure its not an important piece you may ultamately need later

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  • kassi59
    Re: Favorite Quotes -

    "Great spirits have always encountered violent
    opposition from mediocre minds."
    --- Albert Einstein

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  • vodafreak
    Re: Favorite Quotes -

    Originally posted by Mirelle
    Hi all

    Not a quote as such but i love this so i will include it...

    A horrified woman comes up to Winston Churchill and says.

    "Mr Churchill you are drunk!!! Madam you are ugly, but in the morning i will be sober"

    Dont you just love him....
    LOL, thats good!

    "There are three ways to do something: Do it yourself
    Hire someone to do it
    Forbid your kids to do it...
    : )

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  • Mirelle
    Re: Favorite Quotes -

    Hi all

    Not a quote as such but i love this so i will include it...

    A horrified woman comes up to Winston Churchill and says.

    "Mr Churchill you are drunk!!! Madam you are ugly, but in the morning i will be sober"

    Dont you just love him....

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  • Vasili
    Re: Favorite Quotes -

    Originally posted by Easter Bunny
    Hippity Hoppity Happy Easter..........chocolate is good 4 U
    Happy Easter to your as well, or little funny bunny!

    May the Blessings of This Holiday Fill Your Heart's Basket to Overflowing

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  • Easter Bunny
    Re: Favorite Quotes -

    Hippity Hoppity Happy Easter..........chocolate is good 4 U

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  • Patience
    Re: Favorite Quotes -

    "It don't take guts to do something you ain't got no choice but to do"

    ...The Grapes of Wrath

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  • Joeyd
    Re: Favorite Quotes -

    The Three prices married men pay.

    The price you paid.
    The price you tell her you paid.
    The price you pay when SHE finds out what you REALLY paid.

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  • Joeyd
    Re: Favorite Quotes -

    Our greatest national resource is the minds of our children - Walt Disney

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