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The importance of water

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  • The importance of water

    Hello all:

    This little blurb of info is about the importance of water. Drs and Dieticians tell us that we need a minimum of 8 - 8oz cups of water per day. Do you know anyone that drinks that much water? I get close to that much. Working outside doing landscaping is hard work especially in this heat. Sheri ( my hearts treasure and soul mate ) and I drink alot of water and Gatorade while on job sites to help us cool down and to keep us sweating.

    Alot of people think they can get the amount of water needed per day by drinking their favorite soda/pop. These drinks do have some water in them however, most have caffiene as well. Caffiene is a diuretic meaning it sheds water off your body. So what little water that is ingested with the soda/pop it is turned right around and flushed out of the body because of the caffiene. Also for those that drink water while at work, then drink soda/pop/alcohol when they get home they are shedding the water that they recieved during the day as well. Alcohol is a powerful diuretic.

    I learned the water lesson the hard way. About 6 years ago I was a bad alcoholic. I drank liquor alot and when I wasnt drinking that I was drinking beer, except at work ofcourse. Going without water for so long plus drinking so much alcohol I dehydrated my body over time to a very dangerous level. Since so much of the human body is made up of water it needs to replenish it's self on a constant basis, so when one area is 'dry' other areas in the body release water to the 'dry' area and so on and so forth until everything is dehydrated.

    Anyway to make a longer story shorter, when my body reached the dangerous dehydration levels I mention earlier DDD or ( degenerative disk ******* ) set into the disks in my lower back. Now I will have severe pain for life in my lower back, and even possibly become disabled through continuous degeneration of the disks. I have had two microdiskectomies on my lower back, both worked for only a few months. I can assure you, those that dont already have a bad back, surely don't want one. Though there are many other ways to injure your back ( spine, muscle, tendons, bone spurs, ) drinking the correct amount of water can potentially save you from a very bad problem later on in life!

    Here is to ( raises glass of ice water ) you my friends. I hope this little bit of information will help anyone, someone, somewhere to avoid DDD.


  • #2
    Re: The importance of water

    Good article CBG

    8 - 8oz cups of water per day... Might not be true though, simply a case of body wieght vs mass vs height. Drink as much water as you like, any excess will be naturally disposed of.



    • #3
      Re: The importance of water

      Originally posted by FPRob
      Good article CBG

      8 - 8oz cups of water per day... Might not be true though, simply a case of body wieght vs mass vs height. Drink as much water as you like, any excess will be naturally disposed of.

      Hiya Rob!

      I hadnt thought of the amount of water needed compared to body size. DUH! on me.


      • #4
        Re: The importance of water

        I wouldn't put yourself down over it Code mate :)

        I once believe it or not managed to get into an argument over the amount of water that is needed by the human body LOL.

        It is possible to overdose on water but as a general rule the body will simply eject anything that it doesn't need.

        Still a fantastic article though, I am real bad for fizzy drinks, coke keeps me alert when I am programming although I am still finding typing errors and other glitches on the Starship Troopers site so it can't be helping that much.

        Went through phases of only drinking water in tea which eventually made me ill.

        All good now though :D



        • #5
          Re: The importance of water

          Water is the most drank liquid in the world, the second is tea.

          No way I could pass it up, lol


          • #6
            Re: The importance of water

            Tea isn't a liquid :P as you know Mr Tea Expert LOL



            • #7
              Re: The importance of water

              YEAH favorite's just lovley and if you becomea water lower you will find it taste different all over the worlda nd region to region. The best water I have had so far is the one that comes from underground using one of those old fashined pumps in my moms village in India. Cool and sweet....the best.

              By the way during the IVAN hurricane I went for a week with very little water and pure sodas to quench the thirst and ended up with kidney about




              • #8
                Re: The importance of water

                Originally posted by FPRob
                Tea isn't a liquid :P as you know Mr Tea Expert LOL
                Actually once processed, tea leaves chemically alter water, hence it is classified as a liquid. More exactly a "brew"


                • #9
                  Re: The importance of water

                  Ahhh a brew.. Now you mentioned it I like the idea of one :)

                  <goes to put the kettle on>



                  • #10
                    Re: The importance of water

                    Originally posted by FPRob
                    Ahhh a brew.. Now you mentioned it I like the idea of one :)

                    <goes to put the kettle on>
                    Ok put enough on for all...we'll all be coming over for tea and I hope you have some scones, crumpets, tea biscuits etc as well...or you may have to get some from



