Hellooooo!!! Here's Trouble again!

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  • PinCushionQueen
    First Sergeant

    • Aug 2006
    • 71

    Hellooooo!!! Here's Trouble again!

    Hey ho!!
    Well, I've been posting loads of help messages - so many in fact that I've not introduced myself properly! (To be honest, I didn't realise there was a "chat" forum...! Typical...!!)
    Some of you have probably encountered a few of my desperate pleas for help already and I guess I sound like a bit of a disaster area...!! I'm not THAT bad (almost though!) - I'm not going to blow anything up! (I hope!)
    Anyway, I'm from not-so-sunny Cumbria in the UK, have a menagerie of strange pets which hamper my progress on my site building and am in a rather foul mood as my holiday has been cancelled due to this terrorist scare thing... Not a happy bunny!!
    So, that's me, in a nutshell (not literally!). Look forward to meeting you guys!!


    "Functionless art is simply tolerated vandalism. We are the vandals..." -Type O Negative-
    sigpic"Keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you're up to."
  • FPRob

    • Aug 2006
    • 955

    Re: Hellooooo!!! Here's Trouble again!

    Hi PCQ... Im moving to Cumbria hehehe, the rain has been puring in the rest of the country :)



    • PinCushionQueen
      First Sergeant

      • Aug 2006
      • 71

      Re: Hellooooo!!! Here's Trouble again!

      I really like your quote of the day! You know why?! Brcause my budgie is called Socrates and he spouts profound little ditties all the time!! Cumbria sucks - no one wants to move here! I'd rather do the rain!!!!!!!!

      sigpic"Keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you're up to."


      • FPRob

        • Aug 2006
        • 955

        Re: Hellooooo!!! Here's Trouble again!

        Hehehehe PCQ, Scorates the bdugie :) :) :) I like it, new quote tomorrow.

        Really, the rain? Well ok then but you should know the heaves really have opened today in Northamptonshire so I'd be tempted to stay right there LOL.



        • islandcrazy

          • Jul 2006
          • 286

          Re: Hellooooo!!! Here's Trouble again!

          Welcome PCQ! I'm sure you will do just fine!!
          Don't feel bad about asking questions! Just remember the "search" feature is your biggest friend right now...you will find LOADS of answers before you have to ask the question. I've been here over a month and I'm still searching and reading. I have found that I learn the most when I experiment. Then I stumble on specific tasks and can go look for those answers. I do ALOT of stumbling!

          It is also helpful when you post a thread, that when you get your answer, go back to the thread and let us know you solved your problem. Otherwise, I worry about you and wonder if you still need help.

          Have fun!
          still working on website!


          • Code-Burnt-Gemini

            • Jul 2006
            • 278

            Re: Hellooooo!!! Here's Trouble again!

            Hello PCQ and Welcome!

            I wouldnt worry about being a disaster area OR blowing things up, as everything can be fixed. >>:o) I wish you the best of luck in your endevours! Remember... There is no such thing as a stupid question!


            • PinCushionQueen
              First Sergeant

              • Aug 2006
              • 71

              Re: Hellooooo!!! Here's Trouble again!

              Originally posted by FPRob
              Hehehehe PCQ, Scorates the bdugie :) :) :) I like it, new quote tomorrow.

              Really, the rain? Well ok then but you should know the heaves really have opened today in Northamptonshire so I'd be tempted to stay right there LOL.
              Yep, Socrates! Very cute name for a budgie but everyone takes the mick out of him for some reason...! He's psychic y'know! You should buy one and call it Socrates - he might shout "rain" before the heavens open then you'll never stupidly go out in a t-shirt and get caught in a thunder storm like I did today...! Thanks budgie!! Mind, he always tells me I'm going to go bankrupt when my rent collector knocks at the door...! ;)
              sigpic"Keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you're up to."


              • beegud2
                Major General

                • Apr 2006
                • 2156

                Re: Hellooooo!!! Here's Trouble again!

                Originally posted by PinCushionQueen
                Yep, Socrates! Very cute name for a budgie but everyone takes the mick out of him for some reason...! He's psychic y'know! You should buy one and call it Socrates - he might shout "rain" before the heavens open then you'll never stupidly go out in a t-shirt and get caught in a thunder storm like I did today...! Thanks budgie!! Mind, he always tells me I'm going to go bankrupt when my rent collector knocks at the door...! ;)

                - PCQ or should we jsut cal you psychic budgie woman...lol

                Hey could you ask your budgie if I'll be rich...ya never know it could work...lol

                Anyhoo..welcome to the BV/VH...VODALAND...(I personally think it's a hive for the loonies like myself)




                • FPRob

                  • Aug 2006
                  • 955

                  Re: Hellooooo!!! Here's Trouble again!

                  Originally posted by PinCushionQueen
                  Yep, Socrates! Very cute name for a budgie but everyone takes the mick out of him for some reason...! He's psychic y'know! You should buy one and call it Socrates - he might shout "rain" before the heavens open then you'll never stupidly go out in a t-shirt and get caught in a thunder storm like I did today...! Thanks budgie!! Mind, he always tells me I'm going to go bankrupt when my rent collector knocks at the door...! ;)
                  LOLOL I like it even more now... Socrates the psychic budgie... I wouldn't have thought you could ever go bankrupt with an animal like that in the house :)



                  • limebrook1
                    Brigadier General

                    • Jun 2005
                    • 1583

                    Re: Hellooooo!!! Here's Trouble again!

                    Hi ya - I was on holiday in Cumbria the week before last - it rained everyday but one! Still, is a whole lot prettier than Essex (when you can see through the cloud that is!).

                    What makes up your menagerie? I have a cockatiel, hamster, two rabbits, two hens, two dogs, two bearded dragons (okay, perhaps it is a bit like Noah's ark!) and as of tonight one lame horse (the lameness that is, have had the horse for a few years now!). Real bummer (the lameness again!). Huge vet bills looming! Hope my sites will start to pay soon!

                    Oh yeah - welcome to the forum!


                    • beegud2
                      Major General

                      • Apr 2006
                      • 2156

                      Re: Hellooooo!!! Here's Trouble again!

                      Originally posted by limebrook1
                      Hi ya - I was on holiday in Cumbria the week before last - it rained everyday but one! Still, is a whole lot prettier than Essex (when you can see through the cloud that is!).

                      What makes up your menagerie? I have a cockatiel, hamster, two rabbits, two hens, two dogs, two bearded dragons (okay, perhaps it is a bit like Noah's ark!) and as of tonight one lame horse (the lameness that is, have had the horse for a few years now!). Real bummer (the lameness again!). Huge vet bills looming! Hope my sites will start to pay soon!

                      Oh yeah - welcome to the forum!
                      I'll send yu two of whatever I run into...lol...my gosh you have a lot...does the huge lizard crawling on the wall count? ...( I call him Arnold...we have an agreement...he stays on the wall and I stay in the room and off the walls...either that or he looses his tail...)




                      • limebrook1
                        Brigadier General

                        • Jun 2005
                        • 1583

                        Re: Hellooooo!!! Here's Trouble again!

                        Originally posted by beegud2
                        I'll send yu two of whatever I run into...lol...my gosh you have a lot...does the huge lizard crawling on the wall count? ...( I call him Arnold...we have an agreement...he stays on the wall and I stay in the room and off the walls...either that or he looses his tail...)
                        Reminds me of when i was in holiday in Cyprus a few years ago - we walked into the hotel reception, and my son noticed a rather large spider crawling up the wall. he was fascinated - well, it was almost the size of a tarantula, and I'm not kidding!

                        It obviously wasn't a normal site, 'cos when the hotel people spotted what we were looking at they were in a right panic. someone got hold of some fly spray and started spraying the poor thing which obviously did nothing at all! They sprayed every sort of spray they had and in the end mummified it with hairspray or something and then quickly cleared up the remains before other guests could see. I had to take a weeping child away who thought it was awful to kill a poor spider!

                        Don't know what it was, but it obviously wasn't a normal visitor!


                        • beegud2
                          Major General

                          • Apr 2006
                          • 2156

                          Re: Hellooooo!!! Here's Trouble again!

                          They sprayed every sort of spray they had and in the end mummified it with hairspray or something and then quickly cleared up the remains before other guests could see.
                          LOL...omigosh...I had an incident with a lizard in a hotel I worked for and the poor woman jumped on the bed and wouldn't come down....I really tried not to laugh and held it in till I got back to my office.




                          • PinCushionQueen
                            First Sergeant

                            • Aug 2006
                            • 71

                            Re: Hellooooo!!! Here's Trouble again!

                            Limebrook1 - how many pets???!!!!!!! I'm like that - I can't resist when it comes to cute stuff (despite the fact that some would say my choice of "cute" stuff is debatable!). I have my psychic budgie, 2 bearded dragons, a Tokay gecko, a Chilean Rose tarantula, a Pinktoe tarantula, 6 African Clawed frogs, and a boa. I also have an African Grey on the way - I'm just waiting for the breeders to finish hand-rearing him. I had a lutino cockatiel but he died last year *SOB* Where were you staying in Cumbria?! If it was Barrow In Furness I'll really sulk coz you could've come and built my website for me!!!!!! Sorry it rained for you... It ALWAYS rains here. Hang on - just read your post again - you said Cumbria's still a whole lot prettier than Essex... You couldn't have been staying in Barrow then - it's far from pretty here! Lake District perhaps?

                            sigpic"Keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you're up to."


                            • FPRob

                              • Aug 2006
                              • 955

                              Re: Hellooooo!!! Here's Trouble again!

                              I am a multiple pet freak too - 12 cats :) :) :)


