The unemployed man & the zoo

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  • FPRob

    • Aug 2006
    • 955

    The unemployed man & the zoo

    An unemployed man walks past a zoo one day and sees a sign on the gate... Help Wanted, Apply Within. He thinks for a second and eventually decides that working n the zoo could be a rewarding thing so in he goes to find the zoo keeper.

    The keeper informas hi that their prize gorilla has been taken ill and during the high season they need a man to dress up in a gorilla costume to prevent visitors from being unhappy at not seeing such a fine animal.

    The man agrees that he could easily be the gorilla for a couple of months and off he goes to begin some gorilla mannerism training. Before long he is in the gorilla enclosure, hopping and stolling around on his knuckles, beating his chest and climbing on the wooden beams provided and... The visitors love him, they are very pleased to see the 'gorilla' and the man realises that he is doing a fantastic job.

    After a while and after he becomes fully confident in his new role he gets a little excited, a big crowd that day and they are all laughing and smiling at him and he goes one step too far whilst swinging on his tyre swing, swings too high, looses hi grip and ends up on his gorilla face in the lion enclosure next door. Dazed and confused he sits up and a larger crowd begins to gather to what has happened and as the mans senses return he realises that three huge male lions are stalking him.

    At first he worries, no knowing what to do and not knowing how to get out of the predicament that he has found himself in but then thinkins to himsel wait, im a gorilla, this is not a problem. So, he stands tall, puffs his chest out and begins beating it furiously RRAAARRGGHH he roars in an attempt to get the better of the stalking lions.

    The lions look confused for a second, staring at each other and then back at him before creeping evn lower to the ground and continuing to move toward their prey. The man decides that his acting isn't working and he begins to panic, rips off his groilla hat and clings to the inside of the cage for dear life shouting HELP HELP Im not a gorilla I am aperson and these lions are going to get me.

    At which point the lead lion pounces, knocks our man to the ground and pins him there, then quietly whispers........


    Shut the hell up you idiot or we'll all get fired :) :) :) :)


  • Code-Burnt-Gemini

    • Jul 2006
    • 278

    Re: The unemployed man & the zoo

    hahahahahahaahahahahaaaaa! I think I have heard that one before! Still funny though!


    • beegud2
      Major General

      • Apr 2006
      • 2156

      Re: The unemployed man & the zoo

      ROFL....good one....hmmm makes you wonder about those lazy animals at the zooo


