Very good service! Definitely recommended

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  • Very good service! Definitely recommended

    I started off as a new to web design a year ago, an looking for a cheap way to start I came across VodaHost web hosting, who seemed quite a low profile company but offered a great deal. So I took my chances and went for them, getting the 3 year option for just under 200euro, and I'm delighted with them. When you divide that to a monthly rate by the way, it's the cheapest around.

    I've had no problems whatsoever, the servers are very quick and my site has very little downtime(if any at all). Their customer support is very fast in responding, and helpful. The CPanel is excellent, and very easy to use.

    Bluevoda is a great tool, and one I used to great affect at the start. It's a wonderful way to start off in web design and HTML. You slowly and easily start to pick HTML and PHP up, and after a while you dont need BlueVoda at all. I design my pages manually now with PHP/HTML, but I wouldnt of been able if it wasnt for BV. It's great for newb's starting off.

    As for the package they offer. You're right to be skeptical about the 600GB monthly bandwidth they offer, as many other hosting providers do over sell bandwidth and suspend accounts if they even reach 1/4 of their allocation. But I've used up to 30GB's of bandwidth some months, and I havent had any grief from them. I've seen piles and piles of people complaining about being suspended from their accounts with other hosting providers just because they used too much bandwidth (which in fact they didnt), but I've had no grief at all from VH.

    I think they're a very good company, and BlueVoda in particular makes them the pefect choice for people first starting off in the web design world.

    PM me if you've any queries and I'll be happy to answer them.

    Best Regards,