Read this to know the truth.

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  • Designer_2125

    Read this to know the truth.

    Hello there,
    I'll tell you everything about VH, bad things and the good things and why you have to join our community:

    Many people feel this suspicious when there are only good reviews about companies. So here you will get some bad ones - I was reading about VodaHost, before I signed up. A few people were complaining. ( remember - this was few years ago ), But things have changed, VodaHost have really improved their service and attitude, all staff is kind and helpful. I have had many problems which I couldn't resolve, so I had to ask VodaSupport for help, and they were always there for me.
    Also, they used to delete people posts in forums, if they didn't like them or there was something bad about VodaHost. But now - I haven't had any problems like that, I guess that they let people talk the truth and tell what they think, because that's how it should work. Every our negative response will let help them improve their services and help to fix problems, which would stay unresolved if we would keep our mouths shut.

    The best thing about VH is their BlueVoda software. It's one of the best around the internet, if not even the best. And it's completely for free. It has helped to save money to hundreds of people, and for that, they only ask us to host our websites in their server.

    I really recommend this service to everyone who is looking for their first or new hosting company. You wont regret your choice.

    All the best,

    P.S. Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes, English is not my native language.