I require assistance

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  • Mardeen Gordon

    • Aug 2012
    • 1

    I require assistance

    I have a website that has been hosted by BlueVoda for several years. When I created it, I had to read and watch the instructions several times, and the setup was very time consuming and frustrating. It has not been edited in a long time, and when I tried to go back to edit some of the text on the pages, the photos had moved around or disappeared, and I had a hard time figuring out how do something as simple as select a text box and edit it. I don't want to watch all of the tutorials again.

    I considered not renewing my domain when it came up recently, simply because of the inconvenience of working with the BlueVoda website builder.

    I have heard that Drupal is easier to use for website building, but I know nothing about it. Do I have to buy software? Do you offer website editing in Drupal format? Would I build a page in a separate file and import it to Voda? How does it work?

    Do you have any other suggestions for ways to make the editing easier? I have a strong graphic design background, and use Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop extensively. I could probably learn Dreamweaver fairly quickly. Would that work?

    Please help.

    Mardeen Gordon
  • Vasili

    • Mar 2006
    • 14683

    Re: Existing site too difficult to edit.

    What is the Domain name of your website?

    So sorry, Mardeen, to hear of your difficulties, but in all honesty, BlueVoda is the simplest web builder tool to use across the Net today, having been specially created so the average User of Windows would be immediately enabled to use it effectively with the same skillset they earlier developed simply using their computer and the software that came with it (Microsoft Office, Word, Paint, Publisher, etc.).

    Drupal (and the counterpart CMS web builder script 'Joomla') as well as Wordpress in fact require a more advanced skillset to effectively use, and thus the learning curve is much greater and requires much more personal investment to get any results you would be content with. Seriously .... there are more people trying to learn and use Drupal, Joomla, and even Wordpress that give up than stick with it long enough to demonstrate something of an effective familiarity and expertise to get results from.

    Using Dreamweaver is also quite an undertaking, for the same reasons. Which is why makes your statement that you are proficient using PhotoShop and Illustrator all the more intriguing .... surely if you have the wherewithal to use these titles, there should be no issue at all using BlueVoda: it is like being able to swallow a camel but straining on a gnat!

    Bottom Line: You can create a website using any of the above mentioned titles, but no matter what you decide, any results will be in direct proportion to the investment of time and effort you make, nothwithstanding the understanding you gain and expertise you are able to develop.

    You are better off sticking with BlueVoda (which uses the same Windows-based skills you seeming already have) and simply doing your genuine Due Diligence to re-familiarize yourself with the methods and processes that are universal in web building by studying the Tutorials that have been updated as well. They are purposely presented in the order in which you should study them, and each addresses one technique only, which makes the process much easier to comprehend and retain.

    There is nothing like the satisfaction of being able to say, "I did that!" and BlueVoda has made that possible for literally tens of thousands of others that once also had no idea what they were actually capable of creating .... until they started and discovered how easy it actually was!

    Or you could simply pay someone to create one for you??

    Whatever you decide - Good luck!
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *

