Our website intends to advertise and accept payments through Paypal and general online credit card acceptance process . We also plan to prepare e-commerce websites for businesses to sell and accept payments. What is the simplest way to go about it ?. I urgently need help via step by step process .
eCommerce and paypal
Re: eCommerce and paypal
Your question is too general and impossible to answer, please ask an exact
question(s). What exactly do you require???
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Re: eCommerce and paypal
I followed the creation of e-commerce website up to a point where I was stuck. I could not get to the part to edit and personalise the site as I wanted. The tutorial skips the process leading to the catalog folder and tells you little about how to change the introductory sections . I would like to edit . Can you please help ?
Re: eCommerce and paypal
You are not saying which e-commerce template you are using - is it zen cart? soho? oscommerce? They are all different and the answer would be different for each. You need to be specific about what you've done, what you are using - and then we can try to help.
Re: eCommerce and paypal
Originally posted by le103433I followed the creation of e-commerce website up to a point where I was stuck. I could not get to the part to edit and personalise the site as I wanted. The tutorial skips the process leading to the catalog folder and tells you little about how to change the introductory sections . I would like to edit . Can you please help ?
question(s). What exactly do you require?
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