I have downloaded software that has a GNU General Public License (GPL). It's my understanding this sofware has to be uploaded to a server before it can be edited...I think. Further instructions are as follows:
Is this possible with your software and hosting plan. The features of this program are outstanding and it would take me forever to reconstruct. I really like what I see on your hosting plan and hope your software can incorporate this program. Thanks.
Install in your webroot
This version of XXXXweb site needs to be installed in your webroot,e if you place the files in a folder further into your web structure, you will receive path errors similar to the errors listed below. Future releases will be able to placed anywhere within your web. Thanks.
Access 2000 Database formatIf you wish to use the MS Access 2000 format for the database instead of 2002, you may download it below. It should work exacly the same as the 2002 version. You may use the 2000 version if you wish to open the database manually and you do not have office XP.
Is this possible with your software and hosting plan. The features of this program are outstanding and it would take me forever to reconstruct. I really like what I see on your hosting plan and hope your software can incorporate this program. Thanks.
- IIS 5 or higher
- ASP 3.0 or higher
- ASP Mail by Server Objects
- ASP Image by Server Objects
- Persits Upload
- Read/Write/Delete permission on 1 folder
- Database located outside of the web root (highly recommended)
Install in your webroot
This version of XXXXweb site needs to be installed in your webroot,e if you place the files in a folder further into your web structure, you will receive path errors similar to the errors listed below. Future releases will be able to placed anywhere within your web. Thanks.
Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0126'
Include file not found
/test/path/file.asp, line 1
The include file '/common/dbconn1.asp' was not found.
Database PermissionsIf you receive an error when setting up similar to the following.Include file not found
/test/path/file.asp, line 1
The include file '/common/dbconn1.asp' was not found.
Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80004005) The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file 'c:\inetpub\data\mht.mdb'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data. /common/dbconn1.asp, line 7
It is most likely the permissions on the database. Check that the .mdb file is not read-only, and check the permissions on the .mdb file. The user named "IUSR_your_machine_name" needs to have write permission. Also double-check your path in "/common/dbconn1.asp" to be sure your pointing correctly to your database location. Access 2000 Database formatIf you wish to use the MS Access 2000 format for the database instead of 2002, you may download it below. It should work exacly the same as the 2002 version. You may use the 2000 version if you wish to open the database manually and you do not have office XP.